Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:25158025-ADOF-4044-B3BF-3AB3BFDF53FD <br /> Deliverable 1.1.The Orange County Sheriff's Office will submit copies of paid invoices for all costs <br /> associated with project. If submitting more than one invoice for reimbursement, final invoice will be <br /> marked as such. If only submitting one invoice,this will be marked as final. Cost share letter will be <br /> submitted with final invoice (refer to deliverable 4.1). <br /> Deliverable 1.2: The Orange County Sheriffs Office will provide a brief description of what was <br /> accomplished during acquisition and installation. <br /> Plan for Task#2: Usage tracking of project technology/fuel: <br /> Deliverable 2.1: The Orange County Sheriff's will provide at least twelve(12)months of recorded <br /> tracking will be provided in acceptable form. <br /> Deliverable 2.2 The Orange County Sheriff's will provide an estimate of technology/fuel usage for <br /> additional months to give a total of thirty-six (36)months of actual and estimated combined usage. <br /> Zero Motorcycles provides the Zero Motorcycles App that enables a phone-based Bluetooth interface <br /> with each of its motorcycles. Among other functionality, this app will allow us to read detailed trip <br /> statistics, including"average watt-hours per mile, cost per mile, money saved vs gasoline, and reduced <br /> CO2 emissions vs gas" (link). These trip statistics will be recorded regularly and reported quarterly, <br /> Plan for Task#3. Public Awareness and Education.: <br /> Deliverable 3.1: The Orange County Sheriffs Office will provide documentation of all Public Awareness <br /> and Education activities provided via the quarterly report template provided by the NC Clean Energy <br /> Technology Center. <br /> Deliverable 3.2, The Orange County Sheriff's Office will provide NCCETC with contact information of <br /> their communication and social media staff. <br /> Deliverable 3.3: Copies of all press releases and promotional material used to showcase the project <br /> to the public will accompany quarterly reports. All press releases will acknowledge support through <br /> the "NC Clean Energy Technology Center at NC State University with federal Congestion Mitigation <br /> Air Quality funding provided from the NC Office of Transportation." <br /> Deliverable 3.4: Photo of project signage and/or photo of required vehicle decals will be provided to <br /> NCCETC. <br /> Deliverable 3.5: The Orange County Sheriffs Office will provide documentation of participation in NC <br /> Smart Fleet initiative. <br /> Orange County will promote the project through the local news media and County social media as well as <br /> at public forums and functions as appropriate.The NC Dept. Of Transportation and the NC Clean Energy <br /> Technology Center will be recognized as project sponsors on all public awareness materials. <br /> The Orange County Sheriffs Office is active on social media and has a reputation for well-vetted <br /> innovation. The project will be communicated to their large following. <br /> NC Smart Fleet Decals will be affixed to the motorcycle if it meets the duty requirements of the Sheriffs <br /> Office, and if not then the decals will be affixed to the charge points serving the vehicle. In either case, <br /> North Carolina Clears Energy Technology Center <br /> 3 <br />