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2 9 <br />Section 4.3 (Permitted Uses) of the Zoning Ordinance does not allow for the establishment and <br />operation of a motor vehicle repair garage within the RB Zoning District. The use is also not <br />permitted within the EC -5 (Existing Commercial) Zoning District as was once applied to a <br />portion of this property, and found to be an invalid zoning classification of the property. Also, <br />Section 6.23.1 (Land Use Restrictions) of the Zoning Ordinance states that commercial uses are <br />not allowed in the UNIV -PW. <br />On May 2, 1996, you were issued a Home Occupation Permit to operate your business on the <br />property in question. An appeal of the issuance of the Home Occupation Permit was heard by <br />the Orange County Board of Adjustment on August 12, 1996, and the issuance of the Permit <br />was held to be in error. On October 14, 1996 you were ordered to cease the operation of the <br />business within thirty (30) days. This decision was appealed to Orange County Superior Court, <br />and returned to the Board of Adjustment to make findings of fact. On August 10, 1998, the <br />Board once again heard the case and determined that the Permit had been issued in error. <br />You were ordered by Mr. Hinkley to cease and desist conducting all business operations on and <br />from the premises on or before February 22, 1999. You did not close your business by that <br />date at the location. You were then ordered to cease and desist all operations on and from the <br />premises on or before September 20, 1999. You were advised by Mr. Hinkley that this matter <br />would be referred to the courts for settlement. <br />Due to the continuation of this violation and the ignoring of previous citations, I will be <br />swearing out a criminal warrant for the violation this week. I will also be requesting the <br />Board of County Commissioners to assess you civil penalties in the amount of $100.00 per day, <br />beginning on January 6, 2001, and continuing until the violation has ceased, in the event that <br />you do not comply with the criminal warrant. This action is being taken in the event you do not <br />cease operations of the business. This action is being taken under Article 23 (Violations, <br />Remedies and Penalties) of the Orange County, N.C. Zoning Ordinance. A copy of this Article <br />is attached. <br />Please call me at (919) 245 -2607 if you have questions. <br />Sinc ely, <br />/L' <br />Tom King <br />Planner II /Zoning Enforcement Officer <br />Attachment (1) <br />cc: Craig N. Benedict, AICP, Planning Director <br />Robert P. Davis, AICP, Planner III /Current Planning Supervisor <br />Harmony Whalen, Orange County Attorney's Office <br />Robert H. Smith, Attorney & Counselor at Law <br />Zoning Violation File (M. Henry Wilson.544) <br />