Orange County NC Website
TJ-COG <br />& Stains of Previm Filing of FCC Form 1210 (gftr an the apprep td a be* <br />YES NO <br />a. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the FCC? <br />X 7771 <br />If yes, enter the dale of the most recent fling,: (=Wdd/yy) <br />YES NO <br />b. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the Franchising Authority? x <br />if yes, enter the date of the most recent Sling: 05iZ5C1994 (mm/dd/yy) <br />9. Status of FCC Form 1200 Flft (enter an "x" in the appropriate box) <br />YMS No <br />e Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed with Ole FCC? <br />X <br />If yes, eater the date fled: (nnn/dd/yy) <br />YES No <br />b. Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously fled with fm Franchising Authority? <br />If yes, eater the date filed: 08/05/1994 (mm/dd/yy) <br />10. Cable Frogmiraming Services Complaint Status (enter an "x" in the appropriato boa[) <br />YES NO <br />a. Is Ibis form being filed in response to an FCC Form 329 complaint.? x <br />If yes, enter the data of Ihe complaint: (mm/dd/yy) <br />YES NO <br />11, ht FCC Farm 1205 Being hmWed With Ibis Filing L- I =1 <br />1L Selectim of "Going Forward" Channel Addlitlm Metlu xlelogy (ender an "x" In the anrepriate box) <br />Check here if you are using the original rules [MARKUP METHOD]. <br />Check here if you are using the new, alternative rules [CAPS METHOD]. <br />34 <br />Ifusng the CAPS METHOD, have you elected to revise recovery for YES NO <br />channels added during the period May 15, 1994 to Dec. 31, 1994? <br />13. Headed Upgrade MethodolgU <br />'"NOTE,* Operators now on* to the Coma mon thanehgiNfitr to un this upgrade mathwkdov and aftch an egrdpment Boland deppaoi om sohedulR <br />Check bare if you are a qualifying small System using the Sireapalined headend upgrade methodology. <br />Part I: Preliminary Information <br />Module A: Maximum Permitted Rate From Previous Filing <br />1999 MPR TWC MPR c d e <br />rJne Une Dexui on Heale Tler 2 TL 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 <br />Al CwftMlodmumPeoguedRate 58.76781 1 <br />• 6 c d e <br />T A- A- WS <br />.0 71 BI Average Subsoribmstdp Far True-Up Period 1 5,992 <br /> <br />in Average Subseriberabip For True-Up Period 2 <br />133 Estimated Average Subserib-Mp For PmJected Period 6.285 <br />1nnanou 1n1ormation <br />Cl Unclaimed bfhW= Opp SwkchittgFr=1210 To 1240 <br />C2 Unclauaed lafiat mt Umtgtda W Operator Responding to Rate Compkits <br />C3 bftoa Factor For True-Up Period 1 [Wks 1] <br />C4 lnft=FWWFarTnie-Up Period2 PAgm 1] <br />C5 Ctt.W FCC In W-u Factor <br />1.02341 <br />CAN Regulation <br />Page 2 FCC Form 1240, July 199e