Orange County NC Website
N-COG <br />& Status of Prevlous Piling of FCC Form 1210 (enter an "x" In the appmprlate box) <br />YES NO <br />a. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the FCC? X <br />If yos, enter the date of the most recent fling: (mm/dd/yy) <br />YES NO <br />b. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the Franchising Authority? ; <br />If yes, enter the dale of the most recent filing:. 05125/1994 (mm/dd/yy) <br />9. Status of FCC Form 1200 Ffg (enter an "x" In the appropriate box) <br />YES No <br />a. Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed with the FCC? <br />z <br />If yes, enter the date filed: (mm/dd/yy) <br />YES NO <br />b. Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed with the Franchising Au iority? g <br />If yes, enter the date filed: 0$/05/1994 (mm/dd/yy) <br />10. Cable Progra oming 5erviaes Complaint Status (enter an "x" in the appropriate box) <br />. YES NO <br />a. Is this form being filed in response to an FCC Form 329 complain? x <br />If yes, artier the dote ofthe compWnt (nult/dd/yy) <br />YES NO <br />11. Is FCC Form 1205 Being Included With This Filing <br />U. Seledicn of "Going Forward" Channd Addition Methodology (enter an "x" In the appropriate bar) <br />Check here if you are using the original rules [MARKUP METHOD]. <br />Check bete if you are using the new, alternative rules [CAPS METHOD]. <br />26 <br />Musing the CAPS METHOD, have you elected to revise recovery for YES NO <br />chamtels added during the period May 15, 1994 to Dec. 317 1994? <br />13. Headeard Upgrade Mallmdoloo <br />W07V. Operat=nxWGw#5y to the Comminio" detr elt Il d#y W an this upgrade methodology mrd attach an equipment Ed and depmaiWon xawc k <br />Check bere if you are a qualifying small system using the sttaamlined headand upgrade methodology. <br />Part 1: Preliminary Information <br />Module A: Maximum Permitted Rate From Previous Riling <br />1999 Um TWC UM e d e <br />Line Line Description Ards T1er 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 <br />Al Currant Ma;dM=Pcm%ittedRate $10.5737 <br />Module B: Subsciribershiq -- <br />• b c d e <br />rlnw TI-T....4.#1 .. II..G TIr..R Ti..14 Tiwd 'fiefs <br />B1 Average Subsanbeeabip Far True-Up Period 1 30 <br />'in AvcaV Subs=baft ForTrue-Up Period 2 <br />B3 . Estimated Average SWxmb=Wp Far Projected Period 31 <br />CI Undaimod Inflation: Operamr Switching From 1210 To 1740 <br />C2 Unclaimed Inflation: Ubreplated 0ptaatorResponding to Rate Complaint <br />C3 Inflation Factor For Tau-Up Period 1 Mb 11 <br />C4 hnflation Footer For T ua-Up Period 2 Mks 1] <br />C5 Cuncot FCC hfllation Fa;w <br />CAN Regulation <br />?age 2 FCC Form. 1240, July 1996