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D R A F T <br />Preliminary Plat application, discuss the proposal as desired and then recommend approval of the plat. The way this 220 <br />process would work is you would make a recommendation either way. You would consider the case or continue the 221 <br />case. Ultimately, it would have to go to the Board of Commissioners for a final determination, and they would make a 222 <br />vote on the major subdivision. After that, there many other steps, certifications, permits that have to be obtained; well 223 <br />permits, septic permits, road construction, coordinating with DOT, and the right of way has to be dedicated and 224 <br />accepted by DOT. There would be a storm water permit, a land disturbance permit. It would be reviewed and 225 <br />approved in terms of erosion control and water quantity, and water quality. As part the project, all of those things 226 <br />would basically have to occur prior to the reggeridation of the lots. 227 <br />228 <br />Adam Beeman: Can you just give me a reference as to where the existing driveway is; to where Birdie Lane is? Are 229 <br />they on top of each other?230 <br />231 <br />Patrick Mallett: They actually moved. The existing driveway, there’s an area where they are proposing to plug in that 232 <br />existing hole with some evergreen trees and shrubs. This public road is further north and west. The reason being is 233 <br />both the applicant and NC DOT wanted to avoid this box culvert. 234 <br />235 <br />Adam Beeman: Is that just short of that grade change that you were showing in the pictures? 236 <br />237 <br />Patrick Mallett: That’s roughly in that general area, but I think they’ve spent a significant amount of time trying to 238 <br />properly locate where that road should go in terms of site distance, with minimal disturbance to the existing right of 239 <br />way and meeting with NC DOT standards for the roads. I think that also involved discussions and meetings with 240 <br />Chuck Edwards the NC DOT engineer.241 <br />242 <br />Tim Smith: Looking at the site again, you can see it highlighted here. It is adjacent to across the street off Highway 243 <br />70 from the golf course and it’s in between Palmer’s Grove Church Road and Lawrence Road on the north side of 244 <br />Highway 70. Highlighted in red on the exhibit you will see the surrounding area and what’s there now. There’s 245 <br />several very similar developments in the area. One acre, plus or minus, lots that are on well and septic up along 246 <br />Palmar Grove Church Road. There’s several little pockets of subdivisions that have one acre lots with well and 247 <br />septic. Off of Lawrence Road there is also a woodland trailer park that has 23 trailer sites on that property, and that’s 248 <br />served by well and septic although they do have a community well for that site. Back in February of this year, we had 249 <br />neighborhood information meeting for the public to come. This shows the limits of the notification of a thousand feet 250 <br />around the property. Those property owners were notified of the development and were sent letters to the 251 <br />neighborhood meeting. We met and discussed and heard their concerns and so forth, and their comments. We’ve 252 <br />taken all those into consideration as we’ve continued to adjust and work with the layout and the proposal for the 253 <br />subdivision. As Pat mentioned, the existing conditions of the site and showed you some pictures along the frontage 254 <br />the property. Patrick also went over most of the site data for the property, the zoning, the density, all those numbers 255 <br />are the same here. We are proposing about 2,300 linear feet of roads for the two cul-de-sac roads including the 256 <br />entrance coming up off Highway 70, and we are at 17 percent impervious proposed right now. That’s for the road 257 <br />construction and the proposed houses an estimate of what would be on each lot. Out on Highway 70 as we 258 <br />mentioned, there is a 75-foot type E buffer required out there. It is rural, but we’re proposing to add additional 259 <br />plantings along highway 70 to increase the opprosity of that buffer to give more screening for that area that will 260 <br />include the area where the existing driveway is now. As Pat mentioned, we are proposed well sites on each lot. We 261 <br />have laid out a potential well site for each lot that meets the setback requirements for the property lines per the code 262 <br />with Orange County environmental health. Again, the shaded areas with the hatching lines is where we’re identified 263 <br />some suitable Soils for the property. 264 <br />265 <br />Hunter Spitzer: Are wells permitted within the Type E buffer? 266 <br />267 <br />Tim Smith: They are not permitted within the Type E buffer. We are showing some that are right on the line, but 268 <br />they’re not propose to be in the type E buffer. 269 <br />270 <br />Tim Smith: Back on Highway 70, per our conversation back and forth with NCDOT regarding what they want to 271 <br />require for this entrance off Highway 70, we are showing a symmetrical widening of Highway 70 as you’re headed 272 <br />east. There would be a left turn lane to get into the subdivision. As your headed west, there will be what we call a 273 <br />deceleration lane or a right-turn lane to get traffic off of the through lane and able to turn into the entrance. NC DOT 274 <br />9