Orange County NC Website
D R A F T <br />PRESENTER:Patrick Mallett, Planner II 56 <br />57 <br />Patrick Mallett: Welcome new members; welcome old members. I am the staff person that will be presenting items 7 58 <br />and 8 tonight. The first one is a general use zoning case. In your packet, you’ve got an abstract which starts on 59 <br />page 11 of your packet. It goes through some of the basic information and includes five attachments; the application, 60 <br />map of the subject parcel, the zoning exhibit showing any existing conditions of the property, the Statement of 61 <br />Consistency, and then the ordinance amending and the zoning atlas with the zoning map. As I said, this is a General 62 <br />Use Rezoning request. The property owner is Mr. Stan Lawton who is here with Alois Callemyn a surveyor and his 63 <br />wife, Kim. The subject property is Lawton Storage. As you can see from this photo, the issue at hand is that the 64 <br />commercial zoning goes right through the existing building, and the building has been operating as a storage facility 65 <br />since 1977. What the applicant is seeking to do is to take the 2.65 acres of Rural Buffer zoning and rezone the entire 66 <br />parcel as Existing Commercial (EC-5). It’s all within the University Lake Watershed and would all remain within that 67 <br />watershed. So, 4.08 the existing parcel size is proposed to be rezoned to existing commercial. The summary is that 68 <br />most of you were not on the Planning Board at the time, but in 2016 the Board of Commissioners directed staff to 69 <br />take a comprehensive look at not just this township and others and evaluate look at properties that had zoning 70 <br />issues, namely split zoning. This was one of those cases. At that time, Mr. Lawton wanted to stop and consider his 71 <br />long-term goals and figure out what he wanted to do regarding the implications for the property and the business he’s 72 <br />been operating since 1977. So, we pulled his case out of that stack. Since that time, he’s decided to proceed with 73 <br />what the staff was recommending in 2016 which was to rezone the entire existing parcel to EC-5. Zoning in Orange 74 <br />County rotated around various Townships and Bingham zoned for the first time in 1981. His storage business, the 75 <br />proceeding woodworking, and truss operation well preceded the original zoning in this township. The policy at that 76 <br />time was quite literal, and I think it was a common practice to draw a line around a building that was non-residential 77 <br />use and leave the remainder to a residential zoning category. That’s created a number of issues namely conformity, 78 <br />the ability to meet the landscape requirements, and a series of other things. Our recommendation is that you review 79 <br />the amendment, deliberate on the petition, consider the director’s recommendations and then make a 80 <br />recommendation for the Board of Commissioners for their June 4th meeting. 81 <br />82 <br />Alois Callemyn: My name is Alois Callemyn, I've been doing this for a little while. I wanted you to meet Stan; he83 <br />zoned this property. I get to see a lot of different parts of the County and this is one of the most scenic lots I’ve ever 84 <br />surveyed. 85 <br />86 <br />Stan Lawton: I’d like to get it straightened out. I’ve put a lot into it over the years. Everything is a mess the way it is.87 <br />Just in general, it would be a good idea.88 <br />89 <br />Alois Callemyn: If you have any questions, we’ll be glad to answer. 90 <br />91 <br />Patricia Roberts: How much impervious surface has been used of the percentage allowed? 92 <br />93 <br />Patrick Mallett: Mr. Lawton has got a fair amount of impervious surface, but most of that was probably built with the 94 <br />original facility back in the 70’s and 80’s. 95 <br />96 <br />Patricia Roberts: Does he have enough to build anymore? 97 <br />98 <br />Patrick Mallett: Probably not. The short answer is what you see is probably the maximum. 99 <br />100 <br />Patricia Roberts: So basically, he’s not going to be able to add more storage buildings without coming up with a 101 <br />different plan. 102 <br />103 <br />Patrick Mallett: Not without utilizing what’s already there, a repurposing of the site. 104 <br />105 <br />Randy Marshall: My previous recollection was that there’s a lot of restrictions on the rural buffer, and I didn’t see that 106 <br />addressed in any of my materials. You’re taking something from the rural buffer and putting it into commercial even if 107 <br />it’s existing commercial. Is there any concerns there that would need to be addressed? 108 <br />109 <br />6