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D R A F T <br />impaired wells need to contact the Orange County health department and address those issues regardless of 605 <br />whether this development is or is not approved. If there are issues with wells that were installed inconsistent with 606 <br />current regulations due to when they were installed, they may need to be redrilled. That is a reality for a county that 607 <br />is going to rely on individual wells and septic systems to address potable water and the treatment of waste water. 608 <br />With respect to stormwater, developers are required to post sureties to deal with pre and post construction issues. 609 <br />As a developer is constructing the stormwater features for this project, he is obligated and required by the ordinance 610 <br />to post a bond with Orange County erosion control engineering division to ensure those stormwater features are611 <br />installed per an approved plan. The second thing to keep in mind is that the developer is responsible for posting 612 <br />what is known as a maintenance bond that exists in perpetuity. As the Home owner’s association assumes the 613 <br />responsibility for maintenance of the stormwater on site they’re obligated to submit biannual reports demonstrating 614 <br />the viability and continued effectiveness of the stormwater feature because that is the required under the UDO and is 615 <br />part of the requirement of ensuring the perpetual responsibility for maintenance of the stormwater system. If they fail 616 <br />in their obligations to maintain the system, we (the County) cash in the bond and bring the feature back into 617 <br />compliance with applicable standards. Local home owner’s associations are obligated by an operations and 618 <br />maintenance plan that is approved (by the County) to abide by the perpetual maintenance and up keep of the 619 <br />stormwater feature. That includes individual property owners who have to get stormwater features on their property 620 <br />to support development of their lot. You are looking at two different systems, the communal system and systems per 621 <br />individual lot. There are mechanisms in place to address concerns over stormwater. As it relates to well and septic 622 <br />or specifically a well, if you already have impaired wells in the area, prior to this development coming online, it’s going 623 <br />to be difficult for the County or the resident’s to prove it’s Fairway Hills that created the problem. I also think that if 624 <br />Fairway Hills were somehow required to go test wells on adjacent parcels, and if the wells are contaminated and 625 <br />have to be condemned, what happens then? The project is not built and the applicant is not responsible for the 626 <br />damage. There is a lot of talk about what liabilities the developer should accept in order to get this project approved. 627 <br />My problem is that if there are already well issues, the liability falls to the current property owner and the applicant for 628 <br />Fairway Hills should not be expected to fix wells that are already broken.629 <br />630 <br />Hathaway Pendergrass: You mentioned that in conjunction with the stormwater requirements I think that is what we 631 <br />were talking about earlier. 632 <br />633 <br />Michael Harvey: I think that one of the things that you had expressed interest in is to make a recommendation that 634 <br />the developers’ commit to following to ……. adhering to low impact design practices for stormwater features if the 635 <br />County Commissioners see fit to approve this project. Staff suggested that language be included within the 636 <br />resolution of approval to compel the developer to abide by the various practices he identified during the preliminary 637 <br />plat review articulated in his PowerPoint. You can piece meal this to say your first motion is to say that regardless of 638 <br />what else happens, you are recommended that the developer be held to his offer to incorporate low impact design 639 <br />elements consistent with his presentation at this Planning Board meeting. 640 <br />641 <br />MOTION by Hunter Spitzer to adopt Michael’s statement to require that the developer utilize the low impact design 642 <br />elements he has recommended. Randy Marshall: Seconded.643 <br />VOTE:9-1 Passed; (Piracci)644 <br />645 <br />Kim Piracci: Well, I understand he was going to do that anyway. He was talking about low impact strategies anyway,646 <br />so this is almost like going through the motions of something that was already there. 647 <br />648 <br />David Blankfard: This is more of making sure that they were going to do it. 649 <br />650 <br />Kim Piracci: They were going to do it. 651 <br />652 <br />David Blankfard: They weren’t required to do it. 653 <br />654 <br />Kim Piracci: That’s what they were talking about. They were planning to do it.655 <br />656 <br />David Blankfard: Right, and this way it’s written down that they are going to do it. 657 <br />658 <br />16