Orange County NC Website
D R A F T <br />330 <br />Adam Beeman: Are there any sidewalks proposed inside this development?331 <br />332 <br />Tim Smith: There are not sidewalks proposed. I know they’re required, and we’re not proposing to do any. 333 <br />Sidewalks would be added impervious so we’re trying to minimize impact from impervious.334 <br />335 <br />Hunter Spitzer: I see you have a 20-foot storm easement running between the upper cul-de-sac and the lower 336 <br />between lots 13, 14, 7 and 6. Have you considering make any sort of pedestrian access between these two ends?337 <br />338 <br />Tim Smith: We sure could do that. 339 <br />340 <br />Kim Piracci: I’m asking for clarity. I think I read that your stormwater control measures are for one inch of rainfall in 341 <br />24 hours and that’s the regulation; is that correct? 342 <br />343 <br />Tim Smith: That’s correct. That’s one of the goals we have the meet per the ordinance. There are different 344 <br />intensities for different storm events. This is a one year 24-hour storm event, so one year of rainfall intensity over 24 345 <br />hours that volume of water we have the attenuate and not release any more than what would occur prior to our 346 <br />construction.347 <br />348 <br />Kim Piracci: Okay, so it’s one inch in 24 hours and that’s the minimum? Have you given any thought to building for 349 <br />more than that because of this recent rainfall we had? What we’re building for isn’t going to accommodate that so 350 <br />there’s going to be flooding, right? 351 <br />352 <br />Tim Smith: Potentially, yes. This is what the ordinance regulations require and it’s what we designed to. We 353 <br />followed Orange County’s regulations. We run analysis and check what other storm events would do, but we’re 354 <br />required to submit to them and to get proof as to what’s here in the ordinance. 355 <br />356 <br />Kim Piracci: I have one more concern. My house is right near the corner of Route 70 and University Station. You 357 <br />take your life in your hands to turn left on Route 70 and there are accidents weekly. I’m wondering what happens 358 <br />when they want to turn left out of this? I might be the person heading east that they hit. Is any consideration being 359 <br />given to that? 360 <br />361 <br />Tim Smith: For this project we’re doing what is done on all projects similar in nature. They have the analysis of the 362 <br />thresholds, based on the use and the number of trips to be generated. Orange County has a pretty high threshold for 363 <br />requiring a transportation impact analysis which would be a full-blown study. In this case, Highway 70 needs 364 <br />improvements and DOT does have on the books in the future to do things to Highway 70. In the meantime, we are 365 <br />doing what DOT requires for us to put in this road for this development to provide as safe as we can access lanes for 366 <br />each direction to get in and out. 367 <br />368 <br />Kim Piracci: I’m not allowed to vote against this because he’s acting within their parameters even though I don’t have 369 <br />to use much imagination and see problems in the future. Technically, I’m not allowed to say, this doesn’t sound good, 370 <br />but because they’re meeting the requirements.371 <br />372 <br />Michael Harvey: Well, they are meeting the UDO and the department of transportation has indicated that these are 373 <br />the necessary improvements to accommodate the traffic flow. You as a board member can vote your conscience in 374 <br />whatever way, manner, shape or form but without any direct evidence to prove that DOT’s recommendation with 375 <br />respect to access is flawed, a decision to deny this project based on roadway access issues is not based on the 376 <br />information was have available and is inconsistent with the provisions of the UDO. The practical reality is that without 377 <br />any documented evidence proving that it’s a faulty model, the staff can’t take that position because DOT has already 378 <br />certified that this is an acceptable proposal. They have already required them to do offsite improvements consistent 379 <br />with their model and data. 380 <br />381 <br />Jessica Aguilar: I wanted to applaud you for looking at how this would affect the school system. I see a lot of these 382 <br />new developments and they’re posting price range of these homes in the $300s to $700s. What population are you 383 <br />looking to populate this area?384 <br />11