. he Trust for Public Land is a nonprofit
<br />organisation that works nationwide tacon-
<br />serde land for people: Founded in 1972, TPL
<br />specializes in conservation real estate, applying its ex=
<br />pertise in negotiations, finance, and law to protect land_
<br />for public use. Usually TPL steps in to negotiate the
<br />purchase of real estate and holds the land until a public,
<br />agency can acquire it. Working in, this way, TPL lias -
<br />helped protect more than 1,400 special places~natiori-
<br />widefor parks; greenways, recreation areas,, historic
<br />landmarks, forests, watersheds, and. wilderness.
<br />.To help agencies acquire the land held by TPL, the
<br />Trust has always assisted public agencies, nonprofit
<br />partners, and'citizen groups in identifying and securing
<br />public financing. TPL works to obtain funds at, all levels
<br />of government, including: the U.S. Coingress, for appro~
<br />priatians from the Land .and Water Conservation Fund
<br />and other federal sources; si~ate legislatures, for special
<br />bonds and spending measures; and city councils; county
<br />commissions; arid town meetings.
<br />. Over the past several years TPL's.public finance work has
<br />expanded to include the development oflarge-scale fund-
<br />ing measures that enable. public agencies to carry out long-
<br />termland protection programs, often including related.
<br />park and recreation or growth manageranent initiatives:
<br />Whether it's a local sales tax that allows a city t4 buy
<br />an important link in its greenway, or a ten-year state
<br />bond program to protect watersheds, new sources of pub-
<br />licfunding enable the Trust for Public Land. to partner
<br />with park and natural resource agencies in saving land.
<br />TPL's public finance p>;ogram offers technical assis-.
<br />tance to elected officials, public agencies, and legisla-
<br />tures. TPL's services focus on the research atid. ~ ~~
<br />development of legislative arid ballot measures that
<br />reflect popular priorities~ften evaluated through
<br />public opinion surveys: Costs are covered by govenn-
<br />mentconsulting contracts, local~philanthropy, and
<br />nationalgrants. TPL often brings in partners that can
<br />pool resources, such as local business councils or other
<br />national conservation organisations.
<br />In some cases TPL also assists citizen groups with
<br />campaigns to win voter approval of land conservation
<br />measures. No government funds or charitable contrib-
<br />utions can be accepted for these activities.
<br />,ice a measure has been approved, TPL's local office
<br />works with agency staff and citizen-advisory boards to
<br />acquire and protect high-priority open space lands.
<br />T H E ~ ~ -
<br />TRUST
<br />F O R
<br />PUBLIC
<br />L~ National Office .116 New Montgomery Street, 4th Floor, San, Francisco, CA 94105, 1.500.714-LAND, www.tpl.org
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