Orange County NC Website
Executive Summary <br /> The Orange County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC ) , in fulfillment of the duties and <br /> responsibilities as set forth in the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, has completed <br /> the activities required to develop and update this County Plan for FY 2019 - 2020 . <br /> The JCPC has identified issues and factors that have an influence and impact upon delinquent <br /> youth, at- risk youth , and their families in Orange County . Further, the JCPC has identified <br /> strategies and services most likely to reduce/prevent delinquent behavior . It should be noted that <br /> the JCPC continues to support and embrace diversionary strategies , such as Teen Court , that <br /> effectively reduce and prevent delinquency . As noted in NC Gen . Stat . § 143 B - 851 , the JCPC is <br /> legislatively mandated to evaluate the effectiveness of its funded programs and the Department <br /> of Public Safety , Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice , has provided the <br /> Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol ( SPEP) Instrument to aide JCPCs with this task . <br /> However, the tool cannot be administered to all JCPC funded programs given that some <br /> programs are identified as structures or " settings within which program services are delivered" <br /> (Lipsey , 2005 ) . Programming such as Teen Court may be identified as a structure yet it offers <br /> vital diversionary programming to youth . Other services , including some residential programs <br /> and structured - day services , also offer vital intervention strategies to youth and families but may <br /> not be scored using the SPEP instrument . The JCPC recognizes that these identified structures <br /> offer critical prevention/intervention programming and the JCPC adheres to their utilization in its <br /> strategies to prevent and reduce delinquency . <br /> Priorities for Funding : Through a risk & needs assessment and a resource assessment , the JCPC <br /> has determined that the following services are needed to reduce/prevent delinquency in Orange <br /> County : <br /> • Restitution/Community Service <br /> • Parent/Family Skill Building <br /> • Assessment/Treatment Programs for Un/Underinsured (including Substance Abuse ; <br /> Trauma Based Therapy) <br /> • Interpersonal Skill Building <br /> • Mentoring <br /> • Mediation/Conflict Resolution ( including School Based) <br /> • Teen Court <br /> • Tutoring/Academic Enhancement <br /> • Temporary Shelter ( specifically Emergency Shelter) <br /> Monitoring and Evaluation $ Each program funded in the past year by the JCPC has been <br /> monitored . The monitoring results and program outcomes evaluations were considered in <br /> making funding allocation decisions . The JCPC continues to conduct implementation <br /> monitoring of its action plan and its funded programs . <br />