Agenda - 02-07-2001-9e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-07-2001
Agenda - 02-07-2001-9e
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Attachment 1 <br />Horizon Video Production Stages <br />1. Pre-Production Planning <br />Pre-production planning includes meetings with Orange County representatives to obtain a <br />total understanding of the project. During this phase, the Horizon writing team gathers the <br />vital information and begins suggesting ideas for a treatment. Pre-production also includes <br />location scouting, casting, planning for animation and graphics, and creating a production <br />schedule for scripting, shooting, and editing. <br />2. Scripting <br />Scripting begins with a treatment. After initial meetings and research, the Horizon writing <br />team creates one or two treatment ideas for the County's approval. The treatment is <br />usually a two to three page draft of a concept for the video. Once Orange County has <br />selected a treatment, the Horizon writing team will create the first draft of the script. Orange <br />County representatives then will review the draft script. After the script has been approved, <br />shooting begins. <br />3. Shooting <br />Shooting includes on-location and studio shooting. Horizon shoots on the broadcast <br />standard, Betacam format, and offers standard Beta, or Beta-SP tapes for the highest <br />quality. <br />4. Off-Line Editing <br />In preparing for the off-line edit, Horizon Video transfers the footage to a computer and the <br />footage is "digitized" in preparation for the creative editing process. The editor and director <br />create a rough cut or "off-line" edit of the show. It is in this stage that the show begins to <br />take shape both visually and audibly. The off-line gives the County a sense of the content <br />and feeling of the final product. By using a computer to assemble the rough cut, changes to <br />the program can easily be made during this process. <br />S. On-Line Edit <br />Once the off-line edit has been approved, Horizon begins the on-line edit. During this <br />process, all of the video's elements, including narration, music, dissolves and effects, are <br />blended together from the original tapes to create the final product, which will be on Digital <br />Betacam tape stock. A protection master is also made from the edited master. All dubs are <br />made from the protection master, after the on-line edit has been approved.
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