Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 06/05/19 <br /> Date Revised: 06/12/19 <br /> <br /> BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br />(Individuals with a * by their name are the lead facilitators for the group of individuals responsible for an item) <br />Meeting <br />Date <br />Task Target <br />Date <br />Person(s) <br />Responsible <br />Status <br />6/4/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Dorosin that <br />the County make efforts to no longer use of Round-Up <br />10/1/2019 David Stancil Staff from multiple departments <br />began efforts earlier this year to <br />examine use of pesticides and <br />herbicides <br />6/4/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Dorosin, and <br />echoed by Commissioner Price, that the County begin <br />looking in fall 2019 at the possibility of eliminating single <br />family zoning <br />11/1/2019 Craig Benedict Staff to review and provide <br />information to the Board <br />6/4/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that <br />the Board consider reserving seats on County advisory <br />boards to ensure racial and ethnic representation <br />12/1/2019 Chair/Vice <br />Chair/Clerk <br />Tentatively scheduled for <br />discussion at October 2019 <br />Board work session <br />6/4/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that <br />staff provide information to the Board on current County <br />and other entities’ efforts on home weatherization <br />9/1/2019 Sherrill Hampton <br />Nancy Coston <br />Staff to review over summer <br />break and provide information to <br />the Board <br />6/4/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Bedford that <br />the Chair re-send the County’s letter to the NCDHHS <br />Secretary regarding the County’s grouping with Wake and <br />Durham counties <br />6/15/2019 Chair/Vice <br />Chair/Manager <br /> DONE <br />6/4/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner McKee that <br />the list of potential amendments to the Manager’s <br />Recommended 2019-20 Budget be available to the public <br />6/6/2019 Chair/Vice <br />Chair/Manager <br />Travis Myren <br />Paul Laughton <br /> DONE <br />Additionally, new proposed <br />amendments/updates are being <br />posted as received <br />6/4/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Rich that, <br />for each BOCC meeting, the Clerk forward to the towns any <br />items that affect them <br />9/1/2019 Donna Baker DONE <br />Clerk to begin sharing published <br />agenda items affecting respective <br />towns