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will be responsible for the payment of services, but will be able to request <br />reimbursement from the University. <br />D. The University will be responsible for the negligence of its employees and agents <br />to the extent permitted by the North Carolina Tort Claims Act. <br />E. The OCHD shall pay the University $6,000 by June 30, 2001 upon receipt of the <br />University's invoice. The University shall invoice the OCHD no later than May 1, <br />2001. <br />IV. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY <br />The University acknowledges the following specific responsibilities in connection with <br />this agreement: <br />A. To provide a Project Director for the Smart Start Program'who will: 1) Schedule <br />preselected senior dental and dental hygiene students to visit the Orange County <br />Health Department and the majority of day care centers in Orange County to <br />perform dental screenings, examinations, education and preventive treatment; 2) <br />be available to answer questions from parents and the day care center directors; 3) <br />consult with the NC Public Health Dental Hygienist in order to provide the <br />specific dental educational materials for the children, parents and the day care <br />personnel; 4) schedule dental attendings who will serve as preceptors to the <br />dental students and the dental hygiene students while at the OCHD Dental <br />Clinics. <br />B. To ensure that University students, who are the subject of this agreement, abide <br />by all existing rules and regulations of the OCHD in the performance of their <br />activities at the OCHD. <br />C. To be responsible for providing adequate professional liability insurance for the <br />University and its students who are the subjects of this agreement. While the <br />student is participating in the project, their professional liability insurance <br />coverage through Medical Security Insurance Company will be provided by the <br />School of Dentistry ($1,000,000 to $3,000,000 a year for all students). <br />D. The University shall be responsible for training its students to follow the OSHA <br />Blood-borne Pathogens Standards, ensuring that its students comply with health <br />requirements established by North Carolina state regulations and the University. <br />E. To maintain proper health records of its students while participating in the Smart <br />Start Program at the OCHD, and instructing its students about Hepatitis B <br />vaccinations, about the student's responsibility for post-exposure follow-up and <br />any incurred costs, about the student's responsibility for the provision of <br />protective equipment, and proper post-exposure record-keeping.