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41 <br /> 11% of juveniles had prior assaults, a decrease from FY 16-17 of 20%. <br /> 25% of juveniles have run away from home or placement which remained the same from FY 16- <br /> 17. <br /> * 30% of juveniles have some known substance use/abuse and need substance.use/abuse <br /> assessment and/or treatment, a 78% increase compared to FY 15-16. Of those juveniles,47%* <br /> have known substance abuse and need assessment or treatment. <br /> *This statistic is possibly underreported. <br /> 73%of juveniles demonstrate moderate to serious behavioral problems in school. These <br /> numbers increased from FY 16-17 (58%) and consistent with the state average (75%). <br /> 88% of juveniles lack pro-social peers,regularly associate with others involved in delinquent <br /> activity, and/or is a gang member/associates with a gang; an increase from FY 16-17 (57%) <br /> while below the state average of 63%. <br /> 3%of parents are willing but unable or unwilling to supervise juveniles, a decrease from FY 16- <br /> 17 (8%) and significantly lower than the state average of 18%. <br /> Part II. Needs Assessment Summary <br /> The Orange County JCPC Risk and Needs Assessment Committee also reviewed data gleaned <br /> from the Juvenile Needs Assessment instrument administered by Juvenile Court Counselors prior <br /> to court disposition of a juvenile. The Juvenile Needs Assessment is an instrument used to <br /> examine juvenile needs in the various domains of his/her life: The Individual Domain, The <br /> School Domain, The Peer Domain, and the Community Domain. This instrument was designed <br /> to detect service intervention needs as an aid in service planning. As with the Juvenile Risk <br /> Assessment, some of the individual item ratings may be heavily dependent upon information <br /> reported by the juvenile or the parent(s). For these items (represented by an asterisk)there is a <br /> likelihood of under-reporting the incidence of a particular behavior and the actual incidence may <br /> be higher than suggested by these figures. In those cases,the figure should be interpreted as a <br /> measure of the minimum level of occurrence. <br /> Orange County Elevated Needs Observations: FY 2017-2018 <br /> Juveniles were low (47%), medium (4901o) and high (501o) with overall needs for <br /> services/interventions to reduce the likelihood of repeat delinquency. Juveniles with low and <br /> medium needs are able to be served in the community. <br /> 47% of juveniles fall into the low needs category of having indicators that there are needs not <br /> being addressed; which is lower than the state average of 61%. <br /> 49% of juveniles fall into the medium needs category of having indicators that there are needs <br /> not being addressed; which is above the state average of 34%. <br />