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32 <br /> probation. The data that is shown in the chart is pulled from the most recently completed risk assessment; <br /> the majority of youth served by JCPC fall within risk level 3. Youth that are seen by juvenile court for <br /> the first time under the age of 12 tend to stay in the system longer, often have more mental health issues <br /> and commit more serious offenses. Being the last state to implement Raise the Age,they have seen that <br /> mediation and restorative justice, community service and restitution, and teen court programs have seen <br /> the greatest increase in referrals. <br /> In preparation of"Raise the Age"which takes effect December 2019,the Department wants county <br /> JCPCs to begin thinking about the impact it will have on service providers. When the money comes,the <br /> Department will utilize a formula to decide how much each county receives. The JCPCs then have to <br /> decide how they plan to use that money: 1) increase funding to existing programs to increase their <br /> capacity; 2)provide funding for new programming through an RFP process for additional components in <br /> existing or newly funded programs; and/or 3) collaboration with surrounding counties to provide funding <br /> for multi-county programming. <br /> Denise has created a draft of the Addendum for review by the JCPC, selecting some program priorities <br /> based on the risk and needs data and the experiences of the other states: mediation,restitution/community <br /> service,teen court, and runaway shelter. On the second page,the currently funded programs that fall <br /> within those priorities have been listed along with an estimate of how much it would cost to be able to <br /> increase capacity to serve the expanded population. However, she noted that since juvenile crime is down <br /> across the state and that as a result,programs have been under capacity for a while. So when referrals <br /> start coming in for the older juveniles, they will help bring the numbers back up to original capacity, and <br /> possibly over. This addendum will not drive any funding decisions, but will help the department know <br /> what the county's priorities are and what the plan is. <br />