Agenda 06-18-19 Item 8-g - JCPC Certification for FY 2019-2020
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Agenda - 06-18-19 Regular Meeting
Agenda 06-18-19 Item 8-g - JCPC Certification for FY 2019-2020
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Last modified
6/14/2019 2:52:57 PM
Creation date
6/14/2019 1:35:34 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda 06-18-19 Regular Board Meeting
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31 <br /> looking for a program to provide a curriculum that includes both the parent and child that FAN does not <br /> currently do through Common Sense Parenting. Prior to making the decision to not recommend FAN for <br /> funding,the Committee asked Freedom House if they would be able to switch curriculum to one that <br /> includes the child, but they were not able to answer definitively without approval from executive <br /> leadership first. <br /> Funding Recommendations Vote— <br /> The Funding Committee motioned that: <br /> • JCPC Admin be approved for$8,178 and was seconded by Donna King <br /> • Wrenn House be approved for$10,722 and was seconded by Beverly Scarlett <br /> • Teen Court be approved for$61,330 and was seconded by Gayane Chambless <br /> • Restitution&Community Service be approved for$69,870 and was seconded by Gayane Chambless <br /> • Mediation& Conflict Resolution be approved for$40,500 and was seconded by Stephanie Jones <br /> • Boomerang be approved for$28,131 and was seconded by Donna King <br /> Motions carried with 12 votes; Carol McClelland and Gayane Chambless abstaining from the vote. <br /> RFP Review and Vote— <br /> The anticipated county allotment is $59,000 with a 30% local/county match and projected advertisement <br /> date of April 8, 2019 and deadline of May 10, 2019. As you look down the announcement,the targeted <br /> program type is for Interpersonal Skill Building only and curriculum must include parent(s)/guardian(s) <br /> and youth. <br /> If no programs apply for these funds, or if no programs are selected for funding,then the $59,000 can <br /> remain unallocated until December 31, 2019. At any point until that time,the JCPC can decide to release <br /> another RFP or to allocate the remaining funds to currently funded programs. <br /> The Funding Committee motioned for the RFP to be approved and was seconded by Carol McClelland. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Continuum of Services Review and Update— <br /> Denise provided a brief overview of how to read the document and explained that this chart is meant to <br /> show a possible continuum of services for youth who are at-risk, committed to a YDC, and post-release <br /> from YDC. Denise has asked that everyone review the document and email Rebekah and/or Denise with <br /> any notes. <br /> A question was asked about substance abuse residential treatment being classified as "available but <br /> difficult to access". There are currently only three providers in the State where youth can go for <br /> residential substance abuse treatment. Recently there has been some Medicaid <br /> reformation/transformation where insurers have the ability to do behavioral health as well as physical <br /> health, and five have been selected. Currently there are lawsuits pending about the selection process and <br /> until those have been settled, no changes will go into effect. But until 2021, Cardinal will be managing <br /> services as is; after 2021 they will manage only the complex cases and everyone else will manage the <br /> standard plans. For example, if a youth is assigned to the standard plan and is receiving outpatient <br /> services but requires something more intensive services under the enhanced services (such as in-home), <br /> there is a process that will need to happen to get the youth transferred into the new plan. <br /> County Plan Addendum— <br /> Reviewed Risk and Needs data of 16 and 17 year olds that have been involved in juvenile court in Orange <br /> County. Risk and needs data is collected by court services at intake and every 90 days for youth on <br />
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