Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> obtain a Youth GoPass,the parent/guardian is required to accompany the child to sign up for the pass and <br /> some type of ID will be required when applying. Youth 13 and older are allowed to ride unsupervised. <br /> OPT was just approved for the reverse circulator and expect to launch that route in late Fall 2019. <br /> Currently is takes 1 hour to make a full loop and with the new route it will only take 30 minutes. They <br /> are also working to get a stop at the Health Department in Hillsborough. Currently the Circulator operates <br /> M-F 8a-5p and makes stops at Walmart, DSS,Durham Tech Orange County Campus, apartment complex <br /> on the Hwy 70 corridor, Passmore Senior Center, etc. The Hillsborough Circulator is free. They also <br /> offer the Rural Operating Assistance Program(ROAP) for a fare of$12.75 one-way. It is required that <br /> either the beginning or ending destination be located within a rural portion of Orange County. There is <br /> also a Commuter Options Program which includes carpool and vanpool resources (Share the Ride NC), <br /> and biking and walking campaigns for people who live closer to work. <br /> If an agency or service provider would like to take a ride so that they know what their clients experience, <br /> please contact Allyson to set something up. They are also working on building an online, interactive <br /> commuter maps that should launch by September and will also have a print version available. <br /> JCPC Business <br /> Funding Committee Report—The Funding Committee has met twice this year and have had long, difficult <br /> conversations about funding requests compared to the needs of the youth as identified by the Risk and <br /> Needs Committee. The Funding Committee recommends the following for FY 2019-20: <br /> JCPC Admin $8,178 <br /> Young Warriors $0 <br /> Wrenn House $10,722 <br /> Teen Court $61,330 <br /> Restitution& Community Service $69,870 <br /> Mediation&Conflict Resolution $40,500 <br /> Boomerang $28,131 <br /> Family Advocacy Network $0 <br /> Child&Adolescent Outpatient Services $0 (did not request funding) <br /> Unallocated $59,000 <br /> Additionally,the Funding Committee is proposing a second RFP be published for the unallocated funds <br /> for an interpersonal skills building program that has a parent and child component. The Funding <br /> Committee identified this as a need that isn't currently being addressed in the community and for which <br /> no program application wasn't received. If approved by the JCPC,the RFP will be posted Monday. All <br /> services providers, including those currently receiving JCPC funding, are encouraged to submit an <br /> application in response to the second RFP. <br /> A question was asked about FAN and why they are not being recommended for funding for next year. <br /> The Funding Committee had a discussion about the needs of the community and wanting to attract a <br /> program that has some increased nuisances that would help identify and support parent child interactions <br /> in a way that they aren't currently be supported. FAN's funding through JCPC is to provide Common <br /> Sense Parenting curriculum only, and not for the additional services that FAN provides. The other <br /> services that FAN(Linda)provides within the court system are supported by other funds received by <br /> Freedom House. Judge Scarlett expressed how vitally important those other(non-JCPC funded) services <br /> are that FAN provides and doesn't want to see them go away. Denise stated that taking away JCPC funds <br /> doesn't have anything to do with the other services that she mentioned and that it would be up to Freedom <br /> House to still make that other piece work. JCPC is not un-funding FAN,but rather Common Sense <br /> Parenting; FAN is much broader than just Common Sense Parenting. The JCPC Funding Committee is <br />