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<br /> Orange County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Meeting
<br /> Friday,April 5,2019 (12:00noon—2:00pm)
<br /> Hillsborough Commons—113 Mayo Street
<br /> Hillsborough,NC
<br /> Proposed Minutes
<br /> Attendees: Bernard Miles,Megan Johnson,Maren Hardin,Peggy Hamlett, Stephanie Jones,
<br /> Sharron Hinton,Carol McClelland,Penny Rich,Beverly Scarlett, Donna King, Gayane Chambless,
<br /> James Cole,Meg McGurk,Amy Kirshner, Linda Boldin, Lindsay Mosteller, Susan Worley, Patricia
<br /> Cardoso, Lia Kaz, Raquelle Hawkins, Tami Pfeifer,Allyson Coltrane, Frances Henderson, Denise Briggs
<br /> (*Members in bold)
<br /> Absent: Charlos Banks, Sherita Cobb, Tina Sykes, Jaime Lescinski, Dana Graves,Nick Allen
<br /> Excused: Kysha Thompson,Matthew Hinton, Lee Barnes, Amanda Farris
<br /> Welcome
<br /> The meeting opened with a welcome from Chair, Bernard Miles, and introductions.
<br /> Minutes Review and Approval
<br /> The Council reviewed the minutes from February 2019. Meg McGurk motioned for minutes to be
<br /> approved and was seconded by Stephanie Jones. Motion carried unanimously.
<br /> Agency Roundtable
<br /> Freedom House—FAN has had 35 parents complete Common Sense Parenting and has another 3
<br /> pending. They just started another class and have another 2 referrals. There are still funds to serve youth
<br /> in the Child and Adolescent Outpatient program.
<br /> Dispute Settlement Center—Restorative Justice and Mediation program is currently working with 9 youth
<br /> for a total of 17 youth(YTD)referred by DJJ,MDP, and Teen Court.
<br /> Wrenn House—Currently have a bed available. YTD have served 6 kids and used 108 days,which is a
<br /> large increase from this time last fiscal year when only 42 days had been used. They just completed their
<br /> relicensing and are getting ready for a monitoring review with Denise this month.
<br /> Boomerang—Served 94 students YTD with the majority coming from Chapel Hill-Carrboro City
<br /> Schools; 3 of the students in March were court involved. The biggest reason for suspension last month
<br /> was insubordination which isn't a reason they have seen recently.
<br /> Volunteers for Youth—The Community Service program has served 57 kids so far but has about another
<br /> 12 referrals that they just received and Teen Court has served 42 youth YTD. Teen Court is also
<br /> scheduled for a monitoring review with Denise.
<br /> DJJ Data Report/Update
<br /> No update this month as their data system is being updated and they are unable to run reports at this time.
<br /> February and March data will be presented at the June meeting along with April and May.
<br /> Guest Speaker—Allyson Coltrane, TDM Coordinator, Orange Public Transportation(OPT)
<br /> Within Orange County there are a few public transportation options—OPT(serves all Orange County),
<br /> Chapel Hill Transit(serves Town of Chapel Hill), and GoTriangle (currently has two routes). Fares for
<br /> OPT one-way are $2 for adults, $1 for youth(6-17), and seniors, children under 5, and persons with
<br /> disabilities are free. Chapel Hill Transit is free to ride and GoTriangle fares and passes that vary based on
<br /> the route. Youth between the ages of 13 to 18 can use a Youth GoPass to ride GoTriangle, GoRaleigh,
<br /> GoCary or GoDurham buses free; and these passes are also accepted by OPT and Chapel Hill Transit. To
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