Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> Orange County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Meeting <br /> Friday,February 1,2019 (12:00noon—2:00pm) <br /> Hillsborough Commons—113 Mayo Street <br /> Hillsborough,NC <br /> Proposed Minutes <br /> Attendees: Bernard Miles,Amanda Farris, Peggy Hamlett,Penny Rich,Donna King, Megan <br /> Johnson,Tina Sykes, Carol McClelland, Gayane Chambless, Stephanie Jones,Jay Cole,Maren <br /> Hardin,Judge Beverly Scarlett, Sharron Hinton,Kysha Thompson, Caraina Garris,Valoree Hanson, <br /> Lia Kaz, Lindo Boldin, Raquelle Hawkins, Susan Worley, Patricia Cardoso, Amy Kirshner, Tami Pfeifer, <br /> Jamie Jacobs, Denise Briggs, Rebekah Rapoza(*Members in bold) <br /> Absent: Charlos Banks, Jaime Lescinski, Dana Graves,Nick Allen <br /> Excused.• Sherita Cobb,Matthew Hinton, Lee Barnes,Meg McGurk <br /> Welcome <br /> The meeting opened with a welcome from Chair, Bernard Miles, and introductions. <br /> Minutes Review and Approval <br /> The Council reviewed the minutes from December 2018. Donna King motioned for minutes to be <br /> approved and was seconded by Carol McClelland. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> JCPC Business <br /> Risk&Needs Committee—Subcommittee met, reviewed juvenile justice data for FY 17-18, and identified <br /> recommended program funding priorities for FYI 9-20. <br /> RFP Review & Vote—RFP FY date needs to be updated from 2018-19 to 2019-20 (Denise will correct <br /> and send to Rebekah). The anticipated county allotment is $277,731 with a 30% local/county match and <br /> projected advertisement date of February 4, 2019 and deadline of March 11, 2019. As you look down the <br /> announcement,the targeted program types are identified,and a supplemental sheet with program <br /> descriptions are attached. <br /> The county allocation amount remains the same as previous years. Any funding for Raise the Age (JCPC <br /> Tier II) expansion will be outside this RFP and county allocation. <br /> Amanda Farris motioned for the RFP to be adopted with one identified correction(update FY to 2019-20) <br /> and was seconded by Donna King. Motion carried unanimously with Carol McClelland and Stephanie <br /> Jones abstaining from the vote). <br /> "Raise the Age"—Every JCPC must submit an Annual Plan to their County Commissioners that <br /> addresses specific work of the council (Risk&Needs, Funding, etc.) and some of the documents that <br /> Denise will review are part of the Annual Plan. The "Continuum of Services—At a Glance"provides an <br /> overview of services available within Orange County for all youth, from at-risk to post-release youth. <br /> Please review the Continuum and bring updates/suggestions to the next meeting. <br /> The"Orange County Plan Addendum"is new this year to help each county start thinking about how <br /> "Raise the Age"will impact their community and programming. Counties and programs are encouraged <br /> to start thinking about where gaps in services may be and what the needs of this new population are. The <br /> addendum will serve as a"wish list"to help the Council identify where expansion should happen. When <br /> counties receive the Tier II (aka"Raise the Age") funds,they can either expand programs that are <br /> currently funded under the RFP or they can go through another RFP process. With North Carolina being <br /> the last state to raise the age, we have learned a lot from the others and are hearing that restorative justice <br />