Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Announcements <br /> On October 11, Boomerang is hosting"The Talk" at Smith Middle School. It is a one man play by <br /> Sonny Kelly and was born from a painful conversation that Sonny had with his seven-year-old j <br /> son after confronting recent reports about multiple killings and beatings of black men by civil <br /> authorities. There will also be a panel of speakers following the show. <br /> The end of October is Prescription Medication Awareness week. There will be different drives <br /> happening during that time for the public to bring in their prescriptions that they no longer need/use. <br /> Steve Stadler retired last week and Juvenile Justice is in the process of hiring a new supervisor. <br /> ➢ Next JCPC Meeting: Friday,December 7,2018; Location: Southern Human Services Center, <br /> 2501 Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill NC <br />