Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> September: 3 distinct juvenile 4 complaints, 0 approved for court, 3 juveniles diverted, 0 juveniles <br /> P juvenile, P Pp <br /> admitted to detention, 0 juveniles admitted to Wrenn House for 30 days, 0 electronic monitoring <br /> activations, 0 days on electronic monitoring, and 0 juveniles committed to YDC. <br /> JCPC Business <br /> Conflict of Interest form—Please complete if you haven't yet for the new fiscal year. <br /> Membership Vacancy—Member of Business Community position is still vacant. Please share with any <br /> connections you may have and let Bernard or Rebekah know so they can follow-up. <br /> Committee Sign-Ups—We need volunteers for the different committees—Monitoring, Risk&Needs, <br /> and Funding. The sign-up sheet is being passed around. The Monitoring and Risk&Needs <br /> committees require commitments in the month of January and the Funding Committee is in March. <br /> Programs are able to serve on the Risk&Needs Committee, but Monitoring and Funding is available <br /> for council members without any conflict of interest. <br /> Hot Topic Discussion <br /> Service providers often have difficulty finding bilingual and culturally appropriate/aware job <br /> candidates. Someone mentioned looking at how the job openings are advertised;that maybe it isn't <br /> through channels that the ideal candidate would be looking. <br /> Transportation, especially for Northern Orange residents, continues to be a huge barrier to accessing <br /> services. Have there been any talks or plans to increase Orange Circular stops (number, frequency)? <br /> Are the Orange Circular services advertised appropriately? Services may be available,but individuals <br /> aren't aware. While appointments for transportation may be available, sometimes they don't have <br /> advance knowledge to be able to get on the schedule. Clients of most non-county service providers <br /> (Juvenile Justice, JCPC programs, etc.) are not served well by public transportation in northern <br /> Orange,whether it's lack of knowledge or lack of availability. Is JCPC able to advocate to the BOCC <br /> on this topic? Suggestion was offered about utilizing a volunteer transportation program, or creating <br /> their own. Volunteers for Youth uses this model and has had success transporting their youth to <br /> appointments and worksites. <br /> Affordable housing was also mentioned as a challenge, especially given the impact from the recent <br /> hurricanes that hit the eastern part of the state. Orange County already faces affordable housing <br /> challenges and some residents of the eastern part of the state are expected to relocate inland, quite <br /> possibly to our county. Many current residents, not just those who are low-income, are leaving the <br /> county because housing isn't affordable and moving to counties with a lower cost of living (Durham, <br /> Alamance, and Caswell). What little affordable housing that is available comes with challenges— <br /> f connectivity <br /> moves and loss o 0 <br /> flooding, income guidelines—and this can lead to disruptions (frequent y <br /> to the community). The Town of Chapel Hill will have a$10M bond referendum for affordable <br /> housing on the November ballot. It is to build and maintain 1,000 units of affordable housing <br /> ( has more information). <br /> Sharron will speak with the new Housing and Transportation directors to see about the possibility of <br /> coming to speak at our February meeting. <br /> I� <br /> i <br />