Orange County NC Website
2 <br />Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2018-19 Budget Amendment <br />The 2018-19 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows: <br />Original Budget Encumbrance <br />Carry Forwards Budget as Amended Budget as Amended <br />Through BOA #10 <br />#1 Aging: Vita Funds, <br />MIPPA funds, Fitness <br />Studio, Operation Fan <br />Program <br />#2 Arts Commission: <br />Downtown CH Artist <br />Residency <br />#3 Health: FSA grant <br />from United Way; <br />donations for Racial <br />Equity Training <br />#4 Sheriff: Year-end <br />adjustments to Drug <br />Forfeiture and Jail <br />Inmate Funds <br />#5 Transportation: <br />Vehicle purchase <br />#6 Emergency <br />Telephone Fund: 9-1-1 <br />Center - move funds <br />from the Capital Project <br />Fund to the Emergency <br />Telephone Fund <br />#7 Emergency <br />Telephone Fund: 9-1-1 <br />Center - receipt of <br />additional Subscriber <br />Fees <br />#8 Housing Fund - <br />receipt of additional <br />HUD funds <br />Budget as Amended <br />Through BOA #11 <br />Visitors Bureau Fund <br />Revenues <br />Occupancy Tax 1,342,974$ 1,342,974$ 1,342,974$ 1,342,974$ <br />Sales and Fees 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ <br />Intergovernmental 236,670$ 236,670$ 381,450$ 381,450$ <br />Investment Earnings 100$ 100$ 100$ 100$ <br />Miscellaneous -$ -$ 2,260$ 1,057$ 3,317$ <br />Appropriated Fund Balance 302,517$ -$ 302,517$ 482,517$ 482,517$ <br />Total Revenues 1,882,761$ -$ 1,882,761$ 2,209,801$ -$ 1,057$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,210,858$ <br />Expenditures <br />Community and Environment 1,882,761$ -$ 1,882,761$ 2,209,801$ 1,057$ 2,210,858$ <br />County Capital Project Fund <br />Revenues <br />Transfer From the General Fund 220,000$ 220,000$ 220,000$ 61,555$ 281,555$ <br />Alternative Financing -$ -$ -$ <br />From Other Funds -$ -$ -$ (78,153)$ (78,153)$ <br />Intergovernmental 15,000$ 15,000$ <br />Medicaid Maximization Funds -$ -$ -$ <br />Total Revenues 220,000$ -$ 220,000$ 235,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 61,555$ (78,153)$ -$ -$ 218,402$ <br />Expenditures <br />County Capital Projects 220,000$ 220,000$ 235,000$ 61,555$ (78,153)$ 218,402$ <br />Section 8 Housing Fund <br />Revenues <br />Intergovernmental 4,201,264$ 4,201,264$ 4,201,264$ 319,224$ 4,520,488$ <br />Miscellaneous -$ -$ <br />Transfer from General Fund 264,245$ 264,245$ 291,388$ 291,388$ <br />Appropriated Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ <br />Total Housing Fund Revenues 4,465,509$ -$ 4,465,509$ 4,492,652$ 4,811,876$ <br />Expenditures <br />Housing Fund 4,465,509$ -$ 4,465,509$ 4,492,652$ 319,224$ 4,811,876$ <br />Emergency Telephone System Fund <br />Revenues <br />Charges for Services 595,350$ 595,350$ 595,350$ 29,063$ 624,413$ <br />Grant Funds -$ -$ -$ -$ <br />From General Fund -$ -$ -$ -$ <br />Appropriated Fund Balance 323,795$ 12,990$ 336,785$ 705,510$ 705,510$ <br />From Capital Fund 78,153$ 78,153$ <br />Total Revenues 919,145$ 12,990$ 932,135$ 1,300,860$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 78,153$ 29,063$ -$ 1,408,076$ <br />Expenditures <br />Emergency Telephone System Fund 919,145$ 12,990$ 932,135$ 1,300,860$ 78,153$ 29,063$ 1,408,076$ <br />Grant Project Fund <br />Revenues <br />Intergovernmental 98,426$ 98,426$ 281,106$ 15,000$ 296,106$ <br />Charges for Services 65,000$ 65,000$ 85,000$ 5,308$ 90,308$ <br />Transfer from General Fund 82,043$ 82,043$ 82,043$ 82,043$ <br />Miscellaneous -$ 184$ 184$ <br />Transfer from Other Funds -$ -$ -$ <br />Appropriated Fund Balance -$ 6,022$ 6,022$ 6,022$ 6,022$ <br />Total Revenues 245,469$ 6,022$ 251,491$ 454,355$ 5,308$ 15,000$ 474,663$ <br />Expenditures <br />Support Services -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ <br />Historic Resources Inventory Grant 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ <br />Community Services 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ <br />Parent Ed Initiative - DSS (Multi-year)-$ -$ -$ -$ <br />Child Care Subsidy - DSS (Multi-year)-$ -$ -$ -$ <br />Carrboro Growing Healthy Kids Grant -$ -$ -$ <br />Healthy Carolinians -$ -$ -$ <br />Health & Wellness Trust Grant -$ -$ -$ <br />Senior Citizen Health Promotion(Wellness)137,043$ 6,022$ 143,065$ 167,065$ 5,308$ 172,373$ <br />8