Agenda 06-18-19 Item 6-d - Amendment to the Orange County Transit Plan to Increase Funding for the Chapel Hill Transit North South Bus Rapid Transit (NSBRT) Project
BOCC Archives
Agenda - 06-18-19 Regular Meeting
Agenda 06-18-19 Item 6-d - Amendment to the Orange County Transit Plan to Increase Funding for the Chapel Hill Transit North South Bus Rapid Transit (NSBRT) Project
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Last modified
6/14/2019 2:26:17 PM
Creation date
6/14/2019 1:22:29 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda 06-18-19 Regular Board Meeting
\BOCC Archives\Agendas\Agendas\2019\Agenda - 06-18-19 Regular Meeting
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<br />the SWG approved recommending to the governing bodies of the Interlocal Agreement for the <br />Orange County Transit Plan (Orange County, GoTriangle Board and DCHC MPO Board) <br />approval of the request to dedicate $1 million in FY20, $1.5 million in FY21, $1.5 million in FY22, <br />and $4 million in FY23. <br /> <br />The Town of Chapel Hill will also be seeking offsetting project funds through the North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation’s Strategic Prioritization Process (SPOT 6.0). The proposed <br />Transit Plan amendment stipulates that any outside funds received for the project will be applied <br />to reduce the financial obligations contained in the Amended Orange County Transit Plan, up to <br />$8 million. SPOT 6.0 awards are expected to be announced in November 2019. <br /> <br />The funding request is considered a material change to the Transit Plan which requires approval <br />by the governing bodies. The SWG recommendation and funding request will be considered by <br />the governing boards on the following schedule: <br />• Orange County Board of County Commissioners – June 18, 2019 <br />• GoTriangle Board – June 26, 2019 <br />• DCHC MPO Board – August 14, 2019 <br /> <br />If approved by the governing bodies, this amendment would allow the Town to submit a rating <br />request to FTA by September 1, 2019. A delay in the schedule would mean that 2020 would be <br />the earliest a rating request for the project would be considered by FTA. <br /> <br />The project website is <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The adopted Orange County Transit Plan currently allocates $6.1M to <br />the North South BRT project. The proposed amendment (Attachment 1) would dedicate an <br />additional $8M to the project in fiscal years FY2020 through FY2023. <br /> <br />Sufficient dedicated transit revenues are available to fund this addition. The lowest Transit Plan <br />fund balance during this scheduled draw down of dedicated transit revenues would occur in <br />FY2022 when the balance is estimated to be $929,500 under current assumptions. <br /> <br />If outside funding is secured by the Town of Chapel Hill for this project, the financial obligations <br />of the Transit Plan will be relieved, up to $8 million. <br /> <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are applicable <br />to this item: <br />• GOAL: FOSTER A COMMUNITY CULTURE THAT REJECTS OPPRESSION AND <br />INEQUITY <br />The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race or color; <br />religious or philosophical beliefs; sex, gender or sexual orientation; national origin or <br />ethnic background; age; military service; disability; and familial, residential or economic <br />status. <br />• GOAL: ENSURE ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY <br />The creation and preservation of infrastructure, policies, programs and funding necessary <br />for residents to provide shelter, food, clothing and medical care for themselves and their <br />dependents. <br /> <br />Public Transportation provides opportunity for access to jobs and services to many individuals. <br /> <br />2
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