<br />minutes of the June 1, 1959, meeting continued
<br />51, Lisbon Johnson, C,R. 69. F[rs. Julia Hunt, L.R, 65. Carl Fleville, C,H.
<br />62 Cora Johnson, C. H, 64. H. D, blaynnrd, C. H,
<br />Tne Board of Cortmissioners adjourned and imunediatcly reconvened as a Board of Eoua]isation and
<br />Raview. There eras no business presented to the Board so the Hoazd of Rcualization and Revievr
<br />recessed until 3 p.m. on Llonday> July 6, 1959•
<br />Ihere being no further business the Board of Commissioner's adjourned to meet again on Thursday,
<br />June 4th at 0 p.m. in the Covmissioners room at :he courthouse in Aillsboro to begin study of
<br />the 1959-1960 budget,
<br />R,•L, 4. Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />Betty Juno Hayes
<br />Clerk
<br />Limrtes of the Board oT County Commissioners
<br />June 4, 1959
<br />Tdae Orange County Hoazd oL' Conaiseioners met in adjourned session on Thursday, June L, 1959,
<br />at eight o'cloc!c o,m, in the Commissioners' roam at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N, C.
<br />Dambers present: Chairman R, J, t!, Hobbs, Corvnissivners Clarence Jones, Donald iSeDade,
<br />Donald Stanford and Henry P!alker.
<br />6!embers absent: none
<br />Upon motion oS Commdssioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner L'cDade, the Tolloa7.ng resolution ras
<br />unanimously passed by the -oard of Conmissioners of Orange County, -
<br />Prhereas it anpeariry; that the oeti tion for the addiiion to the State 7$ghway System of Cedar
<br />Street, off L;t. Po1us road north of Chanel Hill> td, C.> }vhSch contained the nar,US of all, nr operty
<br />mmers on that portion of Cedar Street extending a distance of two tenths'oi one mile from Wt.
<br />Pv1us road on which there are Tivs occupied houses has been lost in the mail and cz^.not not be
<br />found, and,
<br />YRrereas, it further aoneazing thzt said Petri ti on was in prooer form and order including the
<br />granting of a sixty foot right oT way anal that petitioners had secured adoquate subscriptions to
<br />compensate the State for their part oL the expense for paving the street as above described,
<br />t1vs, therefore, in order that the cork may proceed urithout unreasonable delay it 1s requested
<br />that the Stzte Aighrmy Comm~ission accept this resolution in lieu of the petition uvtuch ras lost,
<br />A permit eras issued to James J. I'Yeeland of Hillsboro> N, C., granting him permission to
<br />have a firework display at Holliday Park on Saturday, July 4th, at 9:30 p.m,
<br />The 'aoazd began a study of budget x'eeuests for the coming fiscal year of 1559-1960,
<br />'this meeting vras adjourned to meet again on rriday, June 5, 1959, at 3 o'clock p. m.. in the
<br />Commissioners Room at the courthouse in Fiillstiero, N. C.
<br />R, J. 1.1. Hobbs
<br />S.. Ll. Gattis Chairman
<br />hctina Clerk
<br />Efinutes of the Poazd of County Commdssioners
<br />June 5, 1959
<br />The Orange County Board of Comsdssionexs met in adjourned session on Friday> June 5> 1959,
<br />at eight o'clock p.m. in the Commissioners' Room at the courthouse in Hillsborq Pd, C.
<br />Ltembers present: Chairman R. J, Ai. Hobbs, Cocvnissioners Clarence Jones, Donald iicDado,
<br />Donald Stanford and Henry }Talker.
<br />5iembers ebsent: None
<br />The following department ofti.cials were present to discuss their respective budget
<br />request: i. Li, Lynch, Clerl< oT Cour tg C. D. "Buck" Knight, Shexriffq and Petty June Hayes,
<br />Register oL Deeds.
<br />This meeting was adjourned to meet again on 6!onday, June d, 1959> at 8 o'clock p.m. ;n
<br />the Cormdssieners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro> i1, C.
<br />R. J. L, Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />S. Li. Cattis
<br />RctinF Clerk
<br />