<br /> to create ponds for agricultural use,fire protection,or wildlife enhancement,including enhancement through
<br /> wetland restoration, enhancement or creation; erosion and sediment control pursuant to a plan approved by the
<br /> Grantees; soil disturbance activities required in the construction of approved buildings, structures,roads, and
<br /> utilities provided that the required alteration has been approved in writing by Grantees as being consistent with the
<br /> conservation purpose of this Conservation Easement; or agricultural activities conducted in accordance with the
<br /> Agricultural Conservation Plan.
<br /> 2.6.Dumping and Trash. Dumping or storage of soil,trash,refuse, debris, ashes, garbage,waste,abandoned vehicles
<br /> or parts, appliances,machinery, or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste, is prohibited. The
<br /> placement of underground or above ground storage tanks or other materials is prohibited,with the exception of
<br /> agricultural products,byproducts(including the composting of biodegradable material for on-farm use)and
<br /> agricultural equipment used on the Protected Property, so long as such storage is done in accordance with all
<br /> applicable government laws and regulations and in such a manner so as to not impair the Conservation Values of
<br /> the Protected Property.
<br /> 2.7. Structures and Improvements. There shall be no building,tower, facility,mobile home, or other structure
<br /> constructed or placed on the Protected Property,not otherwise specifically authorized herein,unless related
<br /> specifically to a right reserved to the Grantor in Article III. Any structures permitted or reserved by Grantor shall
<br /> be of such reasonable size,proportion,height and character so as not to significantly detract from the open space
<br /> and agricultural purposes of this Conservation Easement. Under no circumstances shall recreational fields, golf
<br /> courses or ranges, airstrips or helicopter pads be constructed or permitted on the Protected Property.
<br /> 2.8. Si�g_e. Display to the public of billboards, signs or advertisements is prohibited on or over the Protected
<br /> Property,except to state the name of the property and its farmland status, including its easement status,the name
<br /> and address of the occupant,to advertise an on-site activity, and to advertise the property for sale or rent, as
<br /> allowed by the Sign Ordinance set forth in the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance. Grantor shall be
<br /> permitted to erect no trespassing signs,traffic or directional signs or warning signs as may be expedient and to post
<br /> the property.
<br /> Notwithstanding any provisions of this Easement to the contrary,the Grantor reserves to and for themselves and their
<br /> successors all customary rights and privileges of ownership, including the rights to sell,lease, and devise the Protected
<br /> Property,together with any rights not specifically prohibited by or limited by this Easement, and consistent with the
<br /> section 1.L, "Statement of Purpose". Unless otherwise specified below,nothing in this Easement shall require the
<br /> Grantor to take any action to restore the condition of the Protected Property after any Act of God or other event over
<br /> which they have no control. Grantor understands that nothing in this Easement relieves them of any obligation or
<br /> restriction on the use of the Protected Property imposed by law. All activities permitted in this Conservation Easement
<br /> shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the terms of this Conservation Easement that minimizes impairment of and
<br /> interference with the Conservation Values, and is in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations.
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