Orange County NC Website
01/31/2001 10:56 9199187346 ZONING&INSPECTIONS PAGE 06 <br />Town will each pay to the Board of Education the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand ($75,000) <br />Dollars, for a combined total contribution of one Hundred Fifty Thousand Dol s ($150,000), <br />said sum to be applied to the cost of the construction of Field 3b by the Board of E 'on at the <br />School Site. <br />3. Joint Use Of ational Fields: The Board of Education agrees Ihat the Town <br />and the County shall have the right to use Field 3b at all times when school is n t in session. <br />Additionally, the Town and the County may use Fields 1, 3a, and 4 when said Fie As are not in <br />use by the Board of Education, in accordance with the Board of Education's genei &I policy and <br />procedure for use of school facilities by non school entities in effect at the time of the proposed <br />use of the Fields. The parties understand and agree that the Town and the Couzty will work <br />together to coordinate prong of the use of the Fields when school is not it i session and <br />that the Town will be the lead entity for programming such use and communic g with the <br />Board of Education regarding the same. <br />The Board of Education, the County and the Town will make the soccer fi ds available <br />for use on a Fall weekend each year for a community festival for the Hispanic population, <br />provided that the event be scheduled at least sixty (60) days in advance to allow for program <br />planning by the Town, and the County. Minor alterations in the schedule for use of the Fields <br />Use may be made; from time to time, by representatives of the parties without fo approval <br />of the parties as long as such alterations and the name of the representative authorizing such <br />alterations are documented in writing. <br />4. Utilities, aintenance and Upkeep <br />The Board of Education shall be responsible for, and shall bear the full cosst of, upkeep <br />and routine maintenance of the Fields, including sod and irrigation facilities. However, costs <br />associated with extraordinary maintenance and repair of the portion of the irrig 'on system <br />servicing Field 3b, including. labor, supplies and rrmaterials, shall be divided equally among the <br />7 <br />t