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1=14 <br />minutes of the Ltay Lth meeting continued <br />he may be charged of as he considered it his duty to see a guilty man was convicted, 1'ie do not have <br />too many officers that take their position that nap. 'Rost of them take the position that if a man <br />is charged rdth a crime, it is the Bheritf's duty to see that he is corvicted. Ode11 did not Peet <br />that •.ray. That wan not his attitude. 3ie felt that it rras his duty to actively particicate in <br />the proper and the righteous administration of ,justice, <br />lids passing is a swero blcr not only to his family, but to his many friends, and to the latt <br />enforcement in this county. Yle do not knrnv why it rras that God in his wisdom which we cannot <br />question saw fit to take him at the time that he was taken. On behalf' of the members of the <br />bar, on behaL of the law eni'orcing officers, I rash to extend to Ltz s. Clayton and to Odellls family <br />our deepest sympathy. <br />As I said a moment ago, this is a matter that rre do not undex•stand. It isn't for us to say <br />but sometime we will know why we lost, and had to give ssp our beloved Gheriff at this time. <br />I think that thought was }vell expressed by the anyorgmious poet who wrote the "Yleaver" <br />Not until the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly <br />Shall Goa unfold a carcass and explain the reason why <br />Tne dark threads aze as needful in the weaver's skillful hard <br />As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern he has planned. <br />Judge Phipps: Z nmr recognize the Honorable A, H, Graham for a ferr words. <br />A. H. Graham: If it Please Your Honor: L:embezs of the Family of Ode11 C1~yton, Sheriff's <br />Deoartment Liembers, and the Poazd of County Commissi eners, other Public Officials in our County, <br />Citizens and Visitors alike, <br />I am deeply grieved at our loss. Ihrough the years it has been my hapoy privlloge to be very <br />close to Odoll. <br />I remember his first public office was Registrar of }illsboro precinct more than twenty years <br />ago. At such time, Odell Cla-y'ton came to me and showod that he vranted to do an outstanding ,job <br />to far~il.iazize himself with rho la}vs governing the duties and obligations of a locat Registraz. <br />Ha revrrote rho entire Registrar Book for Hillsboro precinct, and that mar the first modern <br />registration book we have had in Hillsboro precinct in sSy' lifetime. <br />From that time on ho vrent from one step to another in public serii.ce, finally rinsing the office <br />of Sheriff by an wenrhelmin.-, vote, sad to the people of the County that meant ho would instill in <br />them confidence and trust, that he would not only be a feasQess officer, but he would be one that <br />would carry out his duties ffr'mness and fairness, yes, and even mercy, <br />Pte in Orange County have had good of_`icrrs through the yeazs. Y!e have had Sine Commissioners, <br />Board of Pducation, Judges, Prosecuting Attorneys, but in all of this groan, the memory of the <br />record of Sheriff Clayton will stand high in the Hands and hearts of the citizens of Orange County. <br />?hsough the years I had close association rdth him as Co•.u:ty Attorney, and I have had an <br />opportunity to advise Ode11 with reference to the larr on certain problems that ~rould cone before <br />him, and in all of those t+_mes he has always shovm he had strong desire to do his duty both to <br />Orange Count? aM to the comnon citizens }vlthin our county. <br />Ihat was his philosoohy of life, and ii he had to gq as all of us will, we know not r:hem, I <br />Imo; of no man that has carried his faith and lived so that he would have a better opportunity of <br />mectins his Ltaker than did Odell. <br />1'!e hero agree we rill feel our loss, On behalf of the Hoard of County ComVris signers oT Orange <br />County and as County Attoz'ney Z desire to say to the Lamily of the late Sheriff Clayton, we too <br />extend to you our sympathy for his loss. <br />Judge Phipps: I nrnv recog~ze Dr. R. J, s, Nobbs, Chair'nan of the Orange County Poard of ' <br />CormSSSi oners for a ferr words. <br />Dr. R. J. Y. fiobbs: 1 would like to add my statement of appreciation of Odell Clayton, I have <br />knom hie for a ~zeat many years and found him to all of these things that these gentleman have said <br />about him. I liked him personally very much, Fe has made us a most excellent Sheriff and our <br />board feels grieved at his passing, and extend oux~ sympathy. <br />Judge Phipps: I nmv call the Reverend fteckazd to lead us i.n prayer. <br />SP110RIAI~ PRAYER: F.E4ERulD C, R, R.xKAIB7 <br />Almight God, whw^e benefits and blessings unto us have included the giving of a good and <br />right nay of life through lawful and ordered living! rue give Thee humble thaNcs for the life of our' <br />departed brother and servant of the Iarr. <br />17e remember that he approached his duties under the weight of a sensitive censcierce which led <br />to the full and tireloss gift of himself in his chooses service. <br />Yfe rememl:er that he had a goodly capacity far love and concern which tampered his dealings <br />w_th those nho had failed under the aye of the Matt. <br />'Ne Temember that rrhile he succeeded mobly as a servant of the Law, it rras not without an <br />imard suffering and concern far the ::elf are of those who made his calling necessary. Evers so do <br />we also call in mind Ona other who gave His life in like fasti.o.^., that those ato made this- necessary <br />might receive abundant life. And in our brother we have seen the reflection of this One. <br />