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13 <br />A. The Solid Waste Management Director may issue to any person known to have violated the provisions <br />of this ordinance, a citation giving notice of the alleged violation(s) and the civil penalty imposed. <br />Citations so issued may be delivered in person or mailed by first class mail to the person charged if that <br />person cannot readily be found. The following civil penalties shall be assessed for each violation of <br />this ordinance: <br />(1) Failure to obtain a regulated recyclable material collection license <br />(2) Failure to recycle regulated recyclable material as defined in this ordinance: <br />Number of Prior Amount <br />Violations <br />0 $50 <br />1 $100 <br />2 $200 <br />3 $400 <br />4 or more $500 <br />SECTION VII. DEFINITIONS. <br />For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following definitions shall apply: <br />1. Animal litter. The term "animal litter" shall mean droppings from cats, dogs, birds, or other animals and <br />material used in pens, cages, or animal boxes. <br />2. Ashes. The term "ashes" shall mean refuse resulting from the burning of wood, coal, cork or other combustible <br />material which has no live embers. <br />3. Board. The term "Board" shall refer to the Board of Commissioners of Orange County. <br />4. Bulk material. The term "bulk container" shall mean a tightly constructed metal, plastic or other material <br />container of two (2) cubic yards or greater capacity and of a design approved by the County manager as being <br />capable of being emptied by equipment. <br />5. Clean wood waste. The term "Clean wood waste" means wood waste from construction and demolition <br />activity that is not treated, free of paint, and free of glues and adhesives. <br />6. Collection. The tern "collection" means the act of removing solid waste (including construction and <br />demolition waste, land-clearing debris or recyclable materials) from a point of generation to a central storage <br />point or to a disposal site, and from a central storage point processing center to a disposal site. <br />7. Construction and demolition waste. The term "construction and demolition waste" shall mean solid waste <br />resulting generally from construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition operations on pavement, buildings, or <br />other structures. <br />8. Corrugated cardboard. The term "corrugated cardboard" means three-layered cardboard material with a <br />middle, wavy layer. Nonrecyclable cardboard, such as waxed boxes, cardboard adhered to packing material <br />(such as Styrofoam or wooden or plastic supports) and cardboard saturated with motor oil or foodstuffs in its <br />normal use before disposal are excluded from this definition. <br />9. Department. The term "Department" means the Solid Waste Management Department. <br />10. Department Director. The term "Department Director" means the Director of the Solid Waste Management <br />. Department. <br />11. Disposal. The term "disposal" means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of <br />any solid waste into or on any land or water so that the solid waste or any constituent part of the solid waste <br />may enter the environment or by emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including groundwaters. <br />12. Food waste. The term "food waste". means food that has been prepared for human consumption and was not <br />served or otherwise used for food. <br />13. Garbage. The word "garbage" means all putrescible wastes, including animal offal and carcasses, and <br />recognizable industrial by-products, but excluding sewage and human wastes.