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7 <br /> 1 Commissioner Price said this resolution actually was developed at the NAACP meeting, <br /> 2 and while this happened at UNC, it affects the entire County. She said she is in full support of <br /> 3 this resolution, and working together to insure the safety of the community. <br /> 4 Commissioner Marcoplos said he presumed this resolution will be sent to UNC, and <br /> 5 asked if the Board is going request an answer to its questions in this resolution: to rescind <br /> 6 trespass warnings against student anti-racist activists; to press charges and issue trespass <br /> 7 warnings against persons who on March 16 carried firearms onto the campus; to clarify when <br /> 8 the community may expect the presence of an armed person on or near the campus to trigger <br /> 9 an Alert Carolina emergency notification. <br /> 10 Chair Rich said yes, the Board can do this. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 13 Riley Ruske said, as a Veteran, he is a strong believer in the rule of law, but this <br /> 14 resolution is an example of blatant hypocrisy and bias of local government. He said it was not <br /> 15 long ago that mobs were damaging property on the UNC campus, but the Board supported and <br /> 16 condoned these actions, even when the historical monument Silent Sam was destroyed by <br /> 17 these same mobs. He said now other mobs are harassing other individuals and property, and <br /> 18 the BOCC is condemning the actions and calling for prosecution. He said he agrees with this <br /> 19 call, but feels the BOCC should have done the same thing for the other mobs. He said the <br /> 20 BOCC needs to advocate for equal justice under the law for all members of the community <br /> 21 when laws are broken, regardless of the ideology of the lawbreakers. He said if this evening's <br /> 22 resolution must be passed, he would ask that the BOCC modify it to condemn the actions of all <br /> 23 thugs and mobs that break the law. He asked if there is a reason this same resolution was not <br /> 24 passed when the mobs broke the law during the Silent Sam protests. <br /> 25 Seamus O' Neill suggested adding two additional whereas statements to the resolution: <br /> 26 1. After the first whereas, to add, "whereas on August 20, 2018 a mob of certain students, <br /> 27 faculty, and persons known and unknown tore down the Silent Sam statue at risk to <br /> 28 themselves, police officers and others, in violation of State law and UNC rules" <br /> 29 2. After the third whereas, to add, "whereas on March 22-24 Duke-UNC sponsored the <br /> 30 conference on Gaza, many parts of which degenerated into an anti-Semitic rant and <br /> 31 mockery" <br /> 32 Jamie Paulen said she is a local attorney, was a magistrate for two years, and knows a <br /> 33 lot of law enforcement officers. She said she left that office and is now involved in anti-racist <br /> 34 issues. She said through her work she was present at two events at UNC, the night when the <br /> 35 smoke bombs went off and the night of the dance/can party. She said she was shocked to see <br /> 36 police officers that she knew basically attacking students. She said some of this is born out of <br /> 37 the criminal proceedings that have occurred in the interim, and there is a request for <br /> 38 reconsideration for one of the young people that was convicted because the evidence shows <br /> 39 that the young person was shown to have not been able to do that which she was convicted of <br /> 40 doing. She said she comes to her work with no anti-police bias, but what she saw was <br /> 41 shocking. She said she is grateful for this proclamation and holding UNC accountable. She <br /> 42 said there is video of evidence of a UNC police officer telling those carrying the firearms that <br /> 43 these people were on campus, and UNC can take out an arrest warrant against these people <br /> 44 today. <br /> 45 Ashley Harris said when she went to UNC she was a part of the Silent Sam coalition, <br /> 46 and it is very interesting that people equate the active practicing of hate speech and crimes with <br /> 47 people of color addressing something that has been historically racist. She said she would like <br /> 48 people of color to feel comfortable in this County, and she supports the resolution. <br /> 49 Commissioner Dorosin echoed the last speakers' comments, and said the assertion that <br /> 50 the Board's previous resolution and this resolution are inconsistent makes no sense to him. He <br />