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2 <br /> 1 funding, and he asked if the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) would immediately delete <br /> 2 the Article 43 half cents sales tax. <br /> 3 Seamus O'Neill said he is here to speak about Linda Sarsour, whom he considers the <br /> 4 radical left's version of David Duke. He said the BOCC would understandably never invite <br /> 5 David Duke to speak, and he questions why the BOCC would invite Sarsour, who is equally <br /> 6 polarizing. He said local government has a lot of responsibilities to account for, and he hopes it <br /> 7 will no longer waste funds on something so destructive and divisive. He said if the BOCC wants <br /> 8 to unify the community, it should agree that the Sarsour incident was a mistake that will not be <br /> 9 repeated. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> 12 (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> 13 below.) <br /> 14 <br /> 15 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> 16 Commissioner Dorosin said he attended the North South Bus Rapid Transit meeting, <br /> 17 and in September a request will be sent to the FTA to have the project evaluated and voted on <br /> 18 to get into the President's budget for 2021-22. He said any rating medium or above is good, <br /> 19 and a rating should be issued by early 2020. He said they are working to get the design <br /> 20 drawings to 30%, at which point it will be turned over to the environmental team for evaluation. <br /> 21 He said some decisions have yet to be made regarding the area from Eubanks to North Street, <br /> 22 as to whether to construct or convert additional lanes. He said it may vary in different parts of <br /> 23 the road, but the decision will be made by the time it is submitted in September. He said if all <br /> 24 stays on track, there will be two years of construction, a year to order the buses, with service <br /> 25 beginning in 2023. He said buses will be on the outside lanes, and some questions still remain <br /> 26 about the area around the UNC hospital now that light rail will not be present. <br /> 27 Commissioner Greene asked if it is still true that there will not be dedicated lanes below <br /> 28 Cameron Avenue. <br /> 29 Commissioner Dorosin said yes, probably from North Street to south of Mason Farm <br /> 30 Road. <br /> 31 Commissioner Greene said it may or may not make the stops on time. <br /> 32 Commissioner Dorosin said that is certainly a reality. He said it will really be a BRT <br /> 33 system from Eubanks to North Street and from 54 to Southern Village. He said in between it <br /> 34 will likely function as a regular bus. He said he will forward the presentation that was shown at <br /> 35 the meeting to the Board <br /> 36 Commissioner Marcoplos handed out a draft resolution that he would like to be <br /> 37 considered at the next BOCC Meeting on May 2nd to honor Daniel Aaron Toben, a lifelong <br /> 38 resident of Orange County, who has voluntarily spent thousands of hours and thousands of <br /> 39 dollars of his earned income over the past ten years cleaning up trash and tires in some of the <br /> 40 most neglected parts of Orange County. <br /> 41 Commissioner Marcoplos petitioned the solid waste department to educate the public on <br /> 42 how to terminate the delivery of catalogs. <br /> 43 Commissioner Price said she attended the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) <br /> 44 meeting, where they voted to end the light rail project. She said there was one amendment <br /> 45 made to the resolution to mention the role of the State Government, and its impact, on the <br /> 46 outcome of the project. <br /> 47 Commissioner Price said she attended the Family Success Alliance (FSA) meeting and <br /> 48 when summer comes many children may not get meals. She said there may not be enough <br /> 49 slots for summer camp, and the camps are cost prohibitive for some families. She said she <br />