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20 <br /> N R <br /> Nonresponse (NR) Regional Census Center(RCC) <br /> A housing unit for which the Census Bureau does One of six temporary Census Bureau offices estab- <br /> not have a completed questionnaire and from which lished to manage census field office and local census <br /> the Census Bureau did not receive a telephone or office activities and to conduct geographic programs <br /> Internet response. and support operations. <br /> Nonresponse Followup (NRFU) Regional Office(RO) <br /> A field operation designed to obtain a completed One of six permanent Census Bureau offices that <br /> interview from households where a self-response direct and advise local census offices for the 2020 <br /> was not received. Enumerators will make personal Census. The Regional Office also conducts some <br /> visits to these households to obtain completed one-time and ongoing Census Bureau surveys, such <br /> interviews. The enumerator will collect respondents' as the Current Population Survey (CPS), which is <br /> answers to interview questions or information about used to publish unemployment figures each month, <br /> the status of the housing unit (for example, vacant or and the American Community Survey (ACS), a <br /> nonexistent). If all attempts to contact the individu- nationwide survey designed to obtain information <br /> als of a household are unsuccessful, an enumerator similar to long-form data and to provide commu- <br /> will obtain as much information as possible about nities a fresh, more current look at how they are <br /> the household from a neighbor, building manager, or changing. <br /> another reliable source. <br /> Respondent <br /> P The person who answers the Census Bureau's ques- <br /> Partner tions about his or her living quarters and its occu- <br /> A partner is a group or individual that commits to pants. The respondent is usually the member of the <br /> participate in some way with census activities. household who owns or rents the living quarters. <br /> Partnership Response Outreach Area Mapper(ROAM) <br /> An agreement with tribal, state, and local govern- <br /> A Web mapping application developed to make it <br /> easier to identify hard-to-count areas and to provide <br /> ments, national organizations, and community a socioeconomic and demographic characteristic <br /> groups (faith-based organizations, businesses, <br /> media, schools, etc.) that allows their active partici- profile of these areas using American Community <br /> Survey estimates available in the Census Bureau <br /> pation in various census activities. Planning Database, available at< <br /> Partnership Specialist /roam>. <br /> The Partnership Specialist takes a lead role in out- S <br /> reach and promotional efforts before and during <br /> census operations. Their main duties are increas- Self-Response <br /> ing awareness and outreach in communities and Self-response is where households complete and <br /> gaining cooperation and participation from those return their census questionnaire in a timely man- <br /> communities. ner, directly to the Census Bureau, without requiring <br /> a census worker to visit the house to obtain their <br /> Privacy Act responses in person. Self-response—by internet, mail, <br /> The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that each fed- or phone—is significantly less costly than in- <br /> eral agency advise respondents of their rights. person followup. <br /> Specifically, every respondent must know under <br /> what law the information is being collected, how the State Data Center(SDC) <br /> information will be used, whether he or she must The State Data Center (SDC) program is one of the <br /> answer the questions, and the consequences of not Census Bureau's longest and most successful part- <br /> answering the questions. nerships. This partnership between the 50 states, the <br /> U.S.Census Bureau 2020 Census Complete Count Committee Guide 17 <br />