Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> expertise, influence, and experience in the area of used by any local faith-based institution in the <br /> the respective committee. Committees that invest promotion of the 2020 Census awareness and <br /> time, resources, and energy in this project are more participation. <br /> productive and successful. <br /> Media subcommittee—Facilitates ways to get the <br /> Recruiting subcommittee—Disseminates census message to all community households, using <br /> information about census job openings for the all available sources such as local newspapers, <br /> 2020 Census. Information will include the number of newsletters, fliers, local festivals, billboards, social <br /> jobs available and types of jobs available. media, radio, and television. <br /> Government subcommittee—Assists in all activities Community-based organizations subcommittee— <br /> between the Census Bureau and the local govern- Collaborates with community organizations to <br /> ment, such as participation in decennial geography inform individuals of the importance of participating <br /> programs and identifying other resources for CCC in the 2020 Census and the benefits derived from <br /> activities. census data. <br /> Education subcommittee—Facilitates census Business subcommittee—Creates and coordinates <br /> awareness for local schools from prekindergarten activities that involve businesses in census <br /> through twelfth grade, as well as postsecondary awareness, such as distribution of census <br /> education institutions in the area. May also information and census messages on packaging <br /> encourage school administrators, teachers, and (grocery bags) and the inclusion of the census logo <br /> students to use Statistics in Schools materials. and message on sales promotion materials. <br /> Faith-based subcommittee—Creates and <br /> coordinates activities and materials that can be <br /> Figure 1. <br /> Suggested CCC Membership <br /> Mayor or <br /> C <br /> Designee Heads of Relevant <br /> Heads of Public (Chair) Government Agencies <br /> School System and Departments <br /> Heads of • • • Heads of <br /> Regional • • Community <br /> Associations Organizations <br /> Representatives <br /> Council Members From • From <br /> Priority Target Areas Faith-Based <br /> • Organizations <br /> • • • • • Heads of Large <br /> State CCC Universities/ <br /> Representative N N N N Colleges <br /> Deputy Executive Heads of Foundations/ <br /> Director Director Business Philanthropic <br /> Associations Organizations <br /> *Partnership Specialist is advisor and <br /> Census Bureau liasion to Municipal CCCs <br /> U.S.Census Bureau 2020 Census Complete Count Committee Guide 11 <br />