Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> • Place census messages on water bills, prop- Place a census message on all municipal marquees <br /> erty tax bills, social media, and local speeches urging households to complete the questionnaire <br /> and other correspondence generated by the online, by phone, or by mail. <br /> jurisdiction. <br /> April 2020 <br /> • Host a Census Solutions Workshop (see Appendix <br /> • Place public service announcements in local <br /> C) with others in the community. <br /> media encouraging households to respond. <br /> • Develop and implement activities to involve <br /> • Have census rallies or parades. <br /> local government employees in the 2020 Census <br /> Awareness Campaign. • Urge households who do not respond to <br /> • Encourage corporations to become official spon- <br /> cooperate with census takers. <br /> sors of your census activities. Community Complete Count Committees <br /> • Have census posters, banners, and other signage Community Complete Count Committees are often <br /> placed in highly visible public locations. formed in areas that do not have a government CCC <br /> • Include the 2020 Census logo and message on or areas that may require a more targeted outreach <br /> bus schedules, brochures, newsletters, social approach. Community CCCs may be formed by a <br /> media sites, and your local jurisdiction Web site. community group/organization or a coalition of <br /> several organizations. For example, an organization <br /> • Sponsor a census booth at county fairs, carnivals, in a predominately elderly community may want <br /> and festivals (especially cultural or ethnic to form a CCC in order to build awareness among <br /> celebrations). that population and encourage them to respond <br /> • Sponsor a contest to design a sticker or poster when the invitations to respond are delivered. A <br /> promoting the 2020 Census. tenants'association may form a committee to <br /> • Have census information available during voter educate tenants about the census and help those <br /> registration drives. needing assistance in completing their census. <br /> Community CCCs identify their own chair and <br /> January-March 2020 committee members. They may choose individuals <br /> • Add a census message during meetings, who are influential leaders or gatekeepers in the <br /> events, and to written or digital/electronic community to serve as members or others that will <br /> correspondence like social media. help accomplish the goals of the committee. They <br /> may also include foundations or philanthropy groups <br /> • Provide information on federally funded programs to fund the committee's activities around a particular <br /> that have benefitted the community. audience. Community CCCs are usually small to <br /> • Plan a major promotional event around the start medium in size with anywhere from 5 to 25 members <br /> of self-response or when households get their depending on the sponsoring organization(s) and <br /> invitation to respond. Advise communities that the size of the community it represents. <br /> they can respond to the census online. <br /> Small committees may not need subcommittees, <br /> • Saturate public access areas with easy-to- however larger committees may find this structure <br /> read and understandable census information helps them focus and work more effectively. <br /> customized for your community. <br /> • Ask elected officials to encourage households to Examples of Community Complete Count <br /> complete the census online, by phone, or return Committee Strategies <br /> the questionnaire by mail. A number of organizations formed Community <br /> CCCs in previous censuses. Some examples of <br /> these organizations are Community Action Groups, <br /> Hispanic Service Center, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, <br /> and Human Development Commission. <br /> 6 2020 Census Complete Count Committee Guide U.S.Census Bureau <br />