Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT F <br /> BOCC Approved <br /> 611912018 <br /> 3.2.Accumulated Fund Balance Above Cash Flow Purposes - In the event <br /> that either school district accumulates more than the percentage amounts <br /> allowed for cash flow purposes, the respective Boards of Education will <br /> develop a plan in place for spending the accumulated fund balance surplus <br /> for non-recurring purposes. The Board of Education will share that plan with <br /> the Board of County Commissioners <br /> 3.3.Fund Balance Appropriation Occurring Outside the Normal Annual <br /> Budgeting Process — Appropriation of fund balance is a budgetary action <br /> that rests with elected bodies of each school system. It is highly desired that <br /> fund balance appropriations be limited to non-recurring expenses. Both <br /> school districts have historically appropriated fund balance as a part of their <br /> normal budgeting process, and this practice will remain until additional <br /> revenue is available to eliminate the use of fund balance. The Board of <br /> Education should note and explain significant deviations in the normal <br /> budgetary appropriation as a part of the budget narrative accompanying the <br /> recommended and adopted budgets. <br /> If the Board of Education finds it necessary to appropriate fund balance, <br /> outside the normal annual budgeting process, the Board of Education shall <br /> highlight the appropriation in their next fiscal year's budget request. The <br /> County Commissioners are not obligated to increase local current expense in <br /> order to fund recurring items for which the Board of Education appropriates <br /> fund balance outside of the normal budgeting process. <br /> 4. Undesignated Fund Balance — Undesignated fund balance may be allowed to <br /> accumulate above the cash flow percentages under certain circumstances. <br /> School Boards will develop a detailed plan for future use of accumulated fund <br /> balance. Boards of Education are to use undesignated fund balance to address <br /> unforeseen events or opportunities. In these instances, it is the responsibility of <br /> the Board of Commissioners to work with the School Boards to address the <br /> extraordinary issues. <br /> 5. Extraordinary Emergency Needs — There may arise a time in the future when <br /> one or both school district(s) experience(s) an unforeseen extraordinary <br /> uninsured event that greatly compromises how the district(s) serve(s) children. <br /> In such instances, there may be a need for the school district(s) to use some or <br /> all of its fund balance. In such instances, the Board(s) of Education is(are) to <br /> take appropriate action to correct the problem, and following necessary <br /> budgetary action by the Board of County Commissioners, the County will <br /> reimburse the School Board(s) for the necessary expenditures. <br /> 6. Policy Review - The School/County Collaboration Work Group shall review this <br /> policy every 18 months to determine if changes to the policy are necessary. <br />