Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> REDUCED PURCHASING POWER RESULTS IN INADEQUATE RESOURCES <br /> IN WILKES COUNTY <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> "One of the things that people who look at public education Textbook funding has been down since the Great Recession, <br /> finance struggle with is that when both sides of an issue when lawmakers nearly zeroed out that line item to cope <br /> comment on school funding,they are both right,"said with decreased state revenues. It's crept back up since then, <br /> Wilkes County Schools' chief finance officer, Seth Prevette. but it's still not at pre-recession levels and in many cases <br /> "For example,when the state says they are pumping more district finance officers need to dip into that line item to <br /> money into schools--if you look at total dollars,that's true. purchase digital resources today.There's not enough fund- <br /> But local school finance officers say that while there are ing for the two, says Prevette. <br /> more dollars,those dollars don't purchase what they did <br /> previously," said Prevette. "In Wilkes County,where we have a lot of technology capa- <br /> bilities,we have traditionally taken the textbook funds and <br /> Prevette says increases in teacher salaries, retirement and used them for software and devices," said Prevette. "When <br /> health insurance costs toward which local districts must the funding was cut back in the 2008 timeframe it hurt our <br /> make contributions have eaten into other parts of public ability to make those purchases. More recently the ability to <br /> school budgets,and it's becoming very difficult to avoid a transfer textbooks for purchasing of technology devices has <br /> scenario where classrooms are impacted. been removed. That further hurts our ability to purchase <br /> those type of items." <br /> Additionally,there are many parts of the budget that are <br /> simply inadequately funded by the state. Like Duplin County, Wilkes also has a smaller tax base on <br /> which it can rely to come up with local funds to fill in for <br /> "There is not much money for instructional supplies,"said decreased state investments.Taxing its residents at a rate <br /> Prevette. "When we take that allotment and allocate it to of$0.66, it can only provide local funding at an amount of <br /> schools,and all of your classroom teachers send a list home $1,238 per student, roughly half of what Wake County can <br /> to parents saying we need you to go to Walmart and pur- spend on a per student basis. <br /> chase all these things for your kids--you know at that point, <br /> it's just not enough." <br />