Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:527817D2-A523-467C-9535-4049B100BOE1 <br /> 4, OCPT agrees to use the NC Tracks system per the State's Division of Medical Assistance <br /> (DMA) guidelines to invoice trips approved by OCDSS. All reimbursement will be <br /> received from DMA not OCDSS. <br /> 5. OCPT agrees to use the provided transportation billing codes on invoices to the OCDSS <br /> for reimbursement. <br /> 6. OCPT agrees to only submit invoices for trips approved by OCDSS. Trips included on <br /> invoices that were not pre-approved by OCDSS will not be reimbursed. <br /> 7. OCDSS agrees to receive all client call regarding scheduling. <br /> 8. Any change to the client's destination, address, or phone number will be made by <br /> OCDSS. <br /> 9. OCPT agrees to meet on-time performance standards such that no more than 5% of trips <br /> should be late for client drop-off to his or her appointment per month. Late is defined as <br /> past the client's appointment time. <br /> 10, OCPT agrees that not more than one quarter of one percent of all trips be missed by the <br /> OCPT or any subcontractor during the course of the contract year. <br /> 11. OCPT agrees to report all no-shows on a daily basis and cancellations on a monthly basis <br /> to OCDSS via email. <br /> 12. OCPT agrees to record all client complaints which deal with the matters under the control <br /> of OCPT, including the date of the complaint, the nature of the complaint, and what steps <br /> were taken to resolve the complaint. <br /> 13. OCPT agrees to provide names of all owners, managers, management entities, and <br /> subcontractors. <br /> 14. OCPT agrees to report any changes such as insurance provider, business ownership or <br /> management or exclusion from participation in Medicare. <br /> 15. OCPT agrees to disclose, at the outset of the contract, upon renewal and upon request, <br /> any criminal convictions or other reasons for disqualifications from participation in <br /> Medicare, Medicaid or Title XX programs. <br /> 16. OCPT agrees to participate in program, fiscal and administrative monitoring and/or <br /> audits, making records and staff time available to Federal, State, and County staff. <br /> 17. OCPT agrees to allow monitoring of records to ensure that all contract requirements are <br /> met. <br /> 18. OCPT agrees to take necessary steps for corrective action, as negotiated within a <br /> corrective action plan, for any items found to be out of compliance with Federal, State, <br /> and County laws,regulations, standards and/or terms of this Memorandum.. <br /> 2 <br />