Minutes 04-04-2019 Work Session
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-04-2019 Work Session
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Last modified
6/5/2019 9:21:04 AM
Creation date
5/3/2019 10:32:31 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 04-04-2019
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2019\Agenda - 04-04-19 Work Session
Agenda 04-04-2019 Item 1 - County Commissioners-Boards and Commissions – Annual Work Plans-Reports
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2019\Agenda - 04-04-19 Work Session
Agenda 04-04-2019 Item 2 - Health and Human Service Initiatives and County Impacts
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2019\Agenda - 04-04-19 Work Session
Agenda 04-04-2019 Item 3 - Discussion on a Potential Framework for Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2019\Agenda - 04-04-19 Work Session
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12 <br /> Dave Stancil said possibly Fairview Park or Efland Cheeks Community Center, due to <br /> public transportation access. <br /> Chair Rich asked if a senior's playground has ever been discussed. <br /> Dave Stancil said one of the trends taking off is having full comprehensive age treatment <br /> for play apparatus. He said the master plan for Twin Creeks includes a play facility that is <br /> designed to accommodate activities that interest those of all ages (e.g. spray ground to bocce <br /> ball). He said nature play is increasing in popularity. <br /> Chair Rich said she has watched seniors in front of the senior center, who are all <br /> seeking active movement. <br /> Dave Stancil said intergenerational interaction is beneficial to everyone. <br /> • Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitor's Bureau Anthony Carey, Chair <br /> Anthony Carey thanked the Board for letting him serve on this board, and thanked Chair <br /> Rich for being the BOCC representative from the Board of County Commissioners. He said <br /> Laurie Paolicelli, Visitor's Bureau Director, does a great job of gathering and assimilating data. <br /> He said he is a hotelier, and is concerned by the massive influx of AirBnBs. He said the VB has <br /> discussed this greatly, and feels some regulations may be necessary. He said the number of <br /> there were 132,663 AirBnB listings in Orange County in 2018, with 109,836 being for the entire <br /> home. He said this averages 301 whole homes for rent for the year, which is like 3 hotel rooms <br /> per night. He said they do not have a grasp on this information when they are putting business <br /> plans together, as AirBnBs are not part of the data. He said these travelers fly under the radar, <br /> but should be paying occupancy tax. He said the VB subscribes to a report called Air DNA, <br /> which shows a lot more usage than AirBnB shows. <br /> Anthony Carey said as an Orange County resident, he is very concerned about health <br /> and safety issues with the AirBnBs. He said since AirBnB is a booking site, it is not held <br /> responsible for poor behavior or inappropriate use of the land. He said with not having <br /> businesses regulated, there are side deals going on to bypass AirBnB. He said Laurie Paolicelli <br /> as a County employee cannot join the Hoteliers in this battle, but she recommended that the <br /> group approach the Chamber of Commerce, which several groups have done. <br /> Anthony Carey said, in a few weeks, the impact of tourism on the County will be issued, <br /> and is expected to be $200 million. He said foot traffic is down within the VB, and while the <br /> presence on Franklin Street still seems necessary, but a new space is being pursued. He said <br /> the new Wegman's store may be an option. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the AirBnB issue a thorny one, but it does have some <br /> benefits: having an option for lower income travelers; allowing seniors to remain in their homes <br /> as they rent out a portion; etc. He said he hopes there is a good solution. <br /> Anthony Carey said he thinks so, and he loves the idea of host homes. He said the <br /> group is not opposed to owner occupied, single room use, but rather a whole home being <br /> vacant to make revenue without any safety issues taken into account. <br /> Chair Rich said people staying in AirBnBs are still spending money in the County, which <br /> is a revenue stream, but the records of tax dollars does not match the data coming in regarding <br /> activity. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if, in 2020, it still make sense to have a physical VB <br /> presence versus online, and having hard copies of things in places like hotels, etc. <br /> Chair Rich said this is discussed at every VB meeting, and that recommendation is <br /> always being discussed. <br /> Anthony Carey said the education and purpose of a visitor's center would serve well to <br /> the residents of Orange County. He said setting up a pop up tent in a high traffic area would be <br />
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