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Attachment 5 <br /> WHEREAS further delay in responding to this crisis increases the risk of catastrophic climate <br /> change, imminently threatens low lying coastal areas and land and sea species, threatens water <br /> supplies, increases the frequency of severe weather events, increases the cost of undertaking <br /> adequate responses and increases risks to the global economy. <br /> Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen accepts the position of <br /> climate scientists that burning fossil fuels is the primary cause of climate change, and that a <br /> necessary measure to address this problem is the enactment of a revenue-neutral fee on carbon <br /> production at its source, with the fees being returned to Americans as a dividend. <br /> Be it further RESOLVED: that the Town of Carrboro Board of Aldermen supports the concept of <br /> a federal carbon fee-and-dividend approach that levies an annually increasing revenue-neutral <br /> fee on the carbon in fossil fuels at the point of production and importation, and that would be <br /> sufficient to: <br /> a. Accelerate the phasing out of fossil fuels; <br /> b. Make the transition from fossil fuels less onerous to consumers and to the economy by <br /> returning all the revenues gained from the fee to Americans on an equitable basis; <br /> c. Reduce US CO2-equivalent emissions to 40% of 1990 levels by 2020; <br /> d. Encourage similar actions by other nations trading with the United States, by suitable carbon <br /> content-based fees for imports and rebates for exports to nations that have not taken such actions. <br /> Be it further RESOLVED that the Town of Carrboro Board of Aldermen believes that the carbon <br /> fee and-dividend should be implemented without reducing or preempting regulatory and legal <br /> protections for the public and the environment. In addition, fossil fuel companies should not be <br /> absolved from their potential legal liability and existing ethical responsibility. This resolution <br /> shall be sent to the Town's federal delegation. <br /> This the 27th day of June, 2017 <br /> The motion carried by the following vote: <br /> Aye: Alderman Seils, Alderman Slade, Alderman Chaney, Mayor Lavelle, Alderman Gist, <br /> Alderman Haven-O'Donnell <br />