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Attachment 5 <br /> A motion was made by Alderman Slade, seconded by Alderman Haven-O'Donnell, that this <br /> resolution be approved. <br /> A Resolution Stating the Town of Carrboro's Support for <br /> Implementing a Price on Carbon in a Manner that does not <br /> Absolve Carbon Emitters from Responsibility and Regulation <br /> WHEREAS, there is a scientific consensus that greenhouse gas emissions are the primary cause <br /> of global climate change, and that climate change is a crisis demanding immediate measures to <br /> reduce its negative effects; and <br /> WHEREAS, climate change is a threat to public health, national security, food security, and <br /> business supply chains, and societal costs of inaction are significant and outweigh the temporary <br /> economic impacts associated with the energy transition; and <br /> WHEREAS, assigning a cost to greenhouse gas emissions is one of the most efficient ways to <br /> discourage consumption of fossil fuels and encourage development of alternatives; and <br /> WHEREAS the urgent need to transition from fossil fuels can be accomplished with a market— <br /> based program, namely a revenue-neutral carbon fee-and-dividend; and <br /> WHEREAS such an instrument would encourage consumers and the market to replace their <br /> consumption of carbon based energy with innovative energy sources, whether by being more <br /> efficient or by choosing other, less carbon intensive energy sources; and <br /> WHEREAS, this revenue-neutral carbon fee-and-dividend is an effective method to reduce <br /> carbon emissions for the following reasons: <br /> 1. The fee would motivate everyone to conserve and to adopt renewable energy without the need <br /> for extensive governmental regulatory controls or infrastructure; <br /> 2. The fee would employ a free market approach to encourage innovative processes, not only in <br /> energy production, but also in every other field in which energy is consumed, e.g. electric cars, <br /> mass transportation, architectural planning and construction,water heating, lighting and air <br /> conditioning in residential and commercial buildings; <br /> 3. Levying the fee at the point of production would be more efficient, less expensive and provide <br /> more accurate price signals than would doing so at the points of consumption; <br /> 4. The fee would incentivize the development and use of alternative energies and attendant <br /> technologies; <br /> 5. Because the fee is levied on the same basis on all businesses, it is fairer to every business and <br /> easier to administer than alternatives, such as a cap and trade system; and <br />