Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 <br /> 5 <br /> Attachment 3 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> To: Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br /> From: Bradley Saul, Chair <br /> Orange County Commission for the Environment <br /> Date: February 11, 2019 <br /> Re: Recommendations pertaining to the inclusion of Environmental Impacts on County <br /> Agenda Abstracts <br /> At their regular meeting on April 26th 2018, Commissioners Jacobs petitioned staff to <br /> determine options for the inclusion of an environmental impacts statement on all County agenda <br /> abstracts. On November 8th, staff brought several options to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners (BOCC)with the recommendation that the Commission for the Environment <br /> (CFE) consider these options under BOCC guidance and make a recommendation. <br /> Per request by the BOCC, the CFE reviewed options for including environmental impacts on <br /> agenda abstracts. At our November and January meetings, the CFE learned from County staff <br /> how the agenda abstract process works and the BOCC's motivation for considering <br /> environmental impacts of agenda items. The CFE endorses this initiative. Attached to this <br /> memo is a draft agenda abstract template which includes our recommended approach. Below <br /> we discuss our rationale and potential shortcomings for your consideration. <br /> Our inquiry revealed a few main difficulties to including environmental impacts on agenda <br /> abstracts. Brennan Bouma walked the CFE through several example agenda abstracts that <br /> made the following clear. One, the potential environmental impact of an agenda abstract's <br /> contents range from none to considerable. Two, the degree of that impact can be clear for <br /> some topics and much more subtle for others. Three, the ability to identify and succinctly <br /> explain environmental impacts will vary depending on the expertise and knowledge of the <br /> abstract writer. <br /> With these three complications in mind, the CFE chose a template that allows for a free <br /> response in the impacts section. The template includes a summary of the County's <br /> Environmental Responsibility Goal and Objectives adopted December 5, 2005. This summary <br /> serves as a prompt for the abstract writer to consider an item's impact. The template also <br /> encourages abstract writers to include a"more information needed"response if the writer is <br /> unsure about an item's impact. It is our hope this will flag abstracts for additional <br /> consideration when needed, either during the agenda review process or elsewhere in the <br /> decision making process. <br /> Attachment <br /> cc: David Stancil <br /> oontndssiovi.for the Fpty✓rovavuevLt <br /> 010 Orange COulri,t(J DF,4PP-, TAD gOX 9181, FfiGGsbOYouGJG1 NC <br />