Orange County NC Website
C. Respond to requests for data and presentations from member governments, businesses, academic <br />institutions, non profit agencies and citizens. <br />D. Access the Log Into North Carolina electronic database and other computerized data sources <br />such as the BEA REIS and census web site, as appropriate. <br />E. Participate with member governments in Census 2000 efforts, as required. <br />OBJECTIVE: Expand Affordable and Accessible Housing in the Triangle Region. (This program is <br />not currently supported by C&ED funds.) <br />A. The Region's rapid growth in employment poses enormous challenges for housing both current <br />and new residents. Housing prices are rising much more rapidly than incomes, and the number <br />of employees crossing county lines to' get from home to work are growing much more rapidly <br />than the number of jobs. Housing costs that are out of reach, and the associated difficulties for <br />employees and their families, are reflected in work force scarcity and stability. <br />B. This year, the Region's governments are working to learn more about how we can better target <br />both regulatory tools and investments to increase the stock of affordable housing in every <br />community that is accessible to jobs and services. <br />C. A technical team composed of government, business, and nonprofit experts will analyze the <br />following strategies and provide models to each local government. <br />OBJECTIVE: Develop strategies to implement the Regional Principles adopted in 1999 by the <br />Greater Triangle Regional Council and the Triangle Smart Growth Coalition. (Supported by other <br />funds.) <br />A. Prepare description and analysis of a regional development pattern that embodies the principles. <br />B. Develop a comprehensive set of strategies to implement the Principles, incorporating experience <br />and lessons from national and local experts. <br />C. Illustrate the potential impact of the strategies on community and regional development. <br />D. Explain and present strategies to elected officials, local government staff, regional leaders, and <br />the community so the strategies are tailored to the needs of this region and they generate support <br />for implementation. <br />OBJECTIVE: Identify opportunities for industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities to share <br />and reuse materials, water, and energy. (Supported by other sources.) <br />A. Convene meetings of eight geographic clusters of industries to analyze material, water, and <br />energy flows and identify opportunities for resource sharing and reuse. Keep abreast of <br />developments with industrial ecosystem projects outside the region. This project will be funded <br />primarily through grant funds from the N.C. Division of Energy. <br />B. Develop a business plan for creating a self-sustaining web-based industrial byproduct exchange <br />for the region. This project will be partially funded through the Small Business Technology <br />Development Center.