Orange County NC Website
Community & Economic Development <br />2000-2001 Activities <br />OBJECTIVE: To identify and pursue cooperative projects that will keep the Triangle economically <br />competitive and promote actions on the part of local, state and federal governments that will <br />strengthen the Region's economy, primarily via international trade. (Fully supported by C&ED <br />funds.) <br />A. Provide administrative direction for the World Trade Center North Carolina. <br />B. Promote the development and use of the World Trade Center North Carolina. <br />C. Work closely with the staff of the Center to ensure collaboration with related groups. <br />D. Administer the MRCP "Export 1999" Program and seek follow-up grants. <br />E. Improve cooperation among international trade partners in the Triangle and across North <br />Carolina. <br />F. Market the Metro Map and other GIS services. <br />G. Support (international) marketing by the Research Triangle Regional Partnership. <br />H. Provide regional input to the Wake County Economic Development Commission. <br />I. Continue the push for an affordable, regional telephone system. <br />J. Explore new sources for financial and technical assistance to promote economy. <br />K. Serve on the Board of Directors of Leadership Triangle. <br />L. Continue to represent the COG at the various chambers of commerce & the NCEDA. <br />OBJECTIVE: To promote the internationalization of the Region's economy via the Foreign Trade <br />Zone, fulfill contractual responsibilities for the State of North Carolina's Zone and Subzones, and <br />increase the profitability of importers and manufacturers by cost savings achieved using the Foreign <br />Trade Zone and World Trade Center training and services. (Supported by FTZ project income.) <br />A. Serve as the grantee for Foreign Trade Zone #93, meet all contractual responsibilities for Zone <br />#93 and Subzones.; market the general purpose zone and develop new subzones as needed, <br />provide training and make public presentations. <br />B. Meet the contractual responsibilities as FTZ grantee representative for the North Carolina <br />Department of Commerce, the Global TransPark and develop other FTZ administrative <br />contracts. <br />C. Expand FTZ activities to include the satellite zone in Hickory, the new FTZ in the Triad, and <br />any others that are contemplated in North Carolina. Attend training and conferences of the <br />National Association of FM. <br />OBJECTIVE: Serve as the regional data center by collecting, analyzing, and providing a wide range <br />of economic, social and demographic data to government, business, non-profit, academic, and media <br />users. (Partly supported by C&ED funds.) <br />A. Continue to collect and update data provided by the state data center network and from other <br />sources. <br />B. Maintain updated Regional DataPak containing frequently requested data.