Orange County NC Website
10 <br />responsibilities with regard to elder mistreatment. In addition, we have begun to identify <br />the other sentinels in Orange County. Many of the members have dealt with elder <br />mistreatment in their professional roles as physicians, nurses and social workers, and <br />Ms. AI-hafez, Ms. Bynum and Ms. Lassiter deal with it routinely. For example, Dr. <br />Hudson and Mrs. Soltys have encountered cases in their professional roles. Dr. Hudson <br />was also the project director of component one of the Elder Mistreatment Prevention <br />Project awarded by AOA to the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, <br />Division of Social Services in 1988. In that role she developed and pilot tested, through <br />a state-wide train the trainers approach, a Curriculum Training Manual on Elder <br />Mistreatment Prevention. This manual'along with a shorter one developed by <br />Mecklenburg County DSS and Centralina Area Agency on Aging Ombudsman Program <br />will be used to develop the community education and professional training materials. <br />Ms. AI-hafez has conducted training workshops based on the Mechlenburg county's <br />model. Each year, she and her fellow long-term care Ombudsmen provide training to <br />long-term care facility staff and first responders such as emergency medical technicians <br />and law enforcement officers on the signs, symptoms, and prevention of elder abuse <br />and neglect. In addition, Ms. Barrett and others from the Orange County Department on <br />Aging have been developing informational materials and implementing an aging services <br />information and help telephone line. While this coalition is a newly established entity, its <br />professional members and supporting agencies provide it with the experience, expertise <br />and interagency cooperation that it needs to accomplish the stated goals. <br />Additional Support: <br />In addition to the agencies and organizations with representatives on the Orange <br />County Elder Mistreatment Coalition, other agencies and organizations can assist with <br />selected aspects of the project. The Coalition on Continuity of Care in Geriatrics, <br />chaired by our coalition member Florence Soltys, is composed of 28 community