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Article 2 : Procedures <br /> Section 2 . 10 : Variances <br /> 2 . 10.32 . 10 . 4 Authorized Variances <br /> riance may be approved by the Board of Adjustment in cases where unnecessaryhoeptrdships <br /> woul ult from carrying out the strict letter of the Ordinance , when substantial ence in the <br /> official reco of the application supports all of the following findings . <br /> ( A) Unnecessa ardship would result from the strict applicatio the Ordinance . It shall not <br /> be necessary to onstrate that , in the absence of t ariance , no reasonable use can <br /> be made of the proper <br /> ( B ) The hardship results from con ' ' ns tha e peculiar to the property , such as location , <br /> size , or topography . Hardships res g from personal circumstances , as well as <br /> hardships resulting from cond ' ' s that common to the neighborhood or general <br /> public , may not be the b for granting a var ce . <br /> ( C) The hardship di t result from actions taken by the licant or the property owner . The <br /> act of purc ing property with knowledge that circumstanc exist that may justify the <br /> grant ' of a variance shall not be regarded as a self - created ha hip . <br /> ( D ) he requested variance is consistent with the spirit , purpose , and intent e Ordinance , <br /> such that public safety is secured and substantial justice is achieved . <br /> 2 . 10 . 42 , 10 . 5 Additional Criteria for Authorized Variances — Special Flood Hazard Areas <br /> In addition to the criteria contained within Section 2 . 10 . 434 , any application for a variance from <br /> the flood regulations shall abide by the following additional criteria : <br /> Variances may be issued for the repair or rehabilitation of historic structures u on the <br /> determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the ructure ' s <br /> ontinued designation as a historic structure and the variance is the mini um necessary <br /> to eserve the historic character and design of the structure . <br /> ( B ) In cons ring variances from the requirements of the flood regul ons , the Board of <br /> Adjustmen hall consider all technical evaluations , all relevan actors , all standards <br /> specified in of r sections of this Ordinance , and : <br /> ( 1 ) The clang e hat materials may be swept onto her lands to the injury of others ; <br /> (2) The danger to li and property due to flo ing or erosion damage ; <br /> (3) The susceptibility of proposed fa ' ty and its contents to flood damage and <br /> the effect of such damag on the i ividual owner ; <br /> (4) The importance of the service rovided by the proposed facility to Orange <br /> County ; <br /> (5) The necessity to the f ity of a wate t location , where applicable ; <br /> ( 6) The availability of ternative locations , not s ect to flooding or erosion <br /> damage , for th roposed use ; <br /> (7) The comp ility of the proposed use with existing a anticipated development ; <br /> (8) The r tionship of the proposed use to the Orange Count omprehensive Plan <br /> an oodplain management program for the area ; <br /> ( 9 ) he safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary a emergency <br /> vehicles ; <br /> 0) The expected heights , velocity, duration , rate of rise , and sediment transpor f <br /> the flood waters and the effects of wave action , if applicable , expected at the site ; <br /> 4 Updating of Section reference . The Planning Board recommended approval of the change unanimously at its <br /> March 20 , 2019 special meeting <br /> Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 2 -37 <br />