Orange County NC Website
Article 5 : Uses <br /> Section 5 . 1 : Establishment of Use Regulations <br /> b) Research Facility , <br /> ( cc ) esidential Hotel ( Fraternities , Sororities Dormitories ) , <br /> ( dd ) Sawmi , <br /> ( ee) Stables , Comm I <br /> (ff) Stockyards / Liv ock ts , <br /> ( gg ) Storag Goods , Outdoor , <br /> ( hh ) aste Management Facility ; Hazardous & ic , and <br /> OR Wholesale Sales . <br /> 5 . 1 . 5 Key to Permitted Use Table19 <br /> ( A) The Table of Permitted Uses applies the following symbology : <br /> ( 1 ) An asterisk M indicates the use is permitted by right within the district . - <br /> ( 2 ) A delta ( A ) indicates the use is permitted subject to compliance with additional <br /> use standards- , -. <br /> ( 3 ) An ` A ' indicates the use is permitted subject to the issuance of a Class A Special <br /> Use Permit- . <br /> ( 4 ) A ` B ' indicates the use is permitted subject the issuance of a Class B Special Use <br /> Perm it- <br /> . - <br /> ( 5 ) A ` C ' indicates the use requires the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit- , and720 <br /> ( 6 €) A box with no symbols indicates the use is prohibited -for development within the <br /> identified zoning district . <br /> 19 Staff is recommending the addition of a new section defining the symbols, and their meaning, proposed for the <br /> revised Table of Permitted Uses . <br /> 20 Please note staff will be eliminating the Conditional Use Permit process in a future text amendment package <br /> consistent with previous direction from the BOCC and County Attorney , <br /> Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -4 <br />