Orange County NC Website
Article 5 : Uses <br /> Section 5 . 1 : Establishment of Use Regulations <br /> The Board of County Commissioners is aware of its responsibility to protect th public <br /> health , safety and general welfare and believe that certain uses which now in the future <br /> may be included on this list are appropriately handled as Special Uses , ject to review <br /> relation to general and specific requirements , rather than as uses p mitted by right . <br /> ( C) In a ition to the listing of such uses , the Board of County Commi ioners intends that the <br /> genera tandards and the more specific requirements establis d herein , shall be used <br /> by the Bo of Adjustment , the Planning Board and the Bo of County Commissioners , <br /> as appropria to direct deliberations upon application or e approval of Special Uses . <br /> ( D ) It is the express i nt of the Board of County Commi ioners to delineate the areas of <br /> concern connected ' th each Special Use and to vide standards by which applications <br /> for such Special Use s II be evaluated . <br /> ( E) Establishment of Classes f Special Use , Authority To Approve or Disapprove <br /> There are hereby established t follo ' ng classes of Special Uses which shall be <br /> approved or disapproved as sho <br /> ( 1 ) Class A - Approved or app ved by Board of County Commissioners <br /> (2) Class B - Approve r disapprove by Board of Adjustment <br /> 5 . 1 . 4 Conditional Uses <br /> ( A) The Board /ageneral <br /> Commissioners is mindful of its sponsibility to protect the public <br /> health , safe welfare of the residents of Or e County and intends to <br /> encourage ent within the County consistent with t t purpose . <br /> ( B ) The Boa of County Commissioners also recognizes that certa uses are appropriate for <br /> devel ment in Orange County but their location and site develop nt specifics cannot be <br /> /( D ) Permitted <br /> ermined or regulated through the use of a general zoning distri designation and <br /> ntional standards . <br /> ional Uses and Conditional Use Districts are hereby established and s II be <br /> ed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance . <br /> Uses <br /> ( 1 ) Any use listed as Permitted by Right or by Special Use Permit on the Table of <br /> Permitted Uses may be approved as a Conditional Use within a Conditional Use <br /> District , unless expressly excluded in Section 5 . 1 . 43 ( E ) 18 of this Ordinance . <br /> (2) Permitted uses are subject to all general and specific standards of approval for <br /> that use , as established within this Section . <br /> Exclusions <br /> Unless otherwise noted in Section 5 . 2 , the following uses all not be considered <br /> approved as a Conditional Use District within the mmerciakIndustrial <br /> Tran ' ' Activity Node or Economic Develop t Transition Activity Node land <br /> use classi 1 ns , as designated by the pted Comprehensive Plan : <br /> ( a) Airports , Gen Aviatio eliports , S . T . O . L , <br /> ( b ) Class II Kennels <br /> ( c) Commer ' eeder Operation , <br /> ( d ) posting Operation with grinding , <br /> Crematoria , <br /> (f) Extraction of Earth Products , <br /> ( g ) Junkyards , <br /> 18 Updating of Section reference only . Staff is not proposing any additional modifications . <br /> Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -2 <br />