Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:3F2A11F7-03CF-4959-B256-OF8B9C8B7E17 <br /> NOTE: Buyer should consult with Firm before visiting any resale or new homes or contacting any other real estate firm representing <br /> sellers,to avoid the possibility of confusion over the brokerage relationship and misunderstandings about liability for compensation. <br /> 17.SURVEILLANCE: Buyer is advised to be mindful of the fact that there could be video/audio/surveillance device(s) located on <br /> any property examined by Buyer and that Buyer or Buyer's representatives may be under surveillance during any such examination. <br /> Federal and State laws prohibit the interception of an oral communication through the use of any electronic, mechanical, or other <br /> device,whether or not recorded,without the consent of a party to that communication. However,video surveillance without consent is <br /> not illegal. <br /> 18.USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO: Unless a property owner has notified the public that photography and video recording <br /> is prohibited, it is permissible to photograph or video the interior of private property since the owner's permission to enter the property <br /> implies permission to do so. However, under no circumstances may Buyer take photographs or videos that intrude on a property <br /> owner's reasonable expectations of privacy. <br /> Buyer should only photograph or video things that are in "plain view". For example, taking a photo or video of the contents of a <br /> medicine cabinet or of financial records in a desk drawer would be impermissible. In addition, any permitted photography or video <br /> should be used only in a manner related directly to Buyer's examination and purchase of a property. TAKING IMPERMISSIBLE <br /> PHOTOGRAPHS OR VIDEOS OR USING THEM FOR AN IMPERMISSIBLE PURPOSE COULD SUBJECT BUYER TO CIVIL <br /> LIABILITY. <br /> 19.WIRE FRAUD WARNING: <br /> BEFORE SENDING ANY WIRE, BUYER SHOULD CALL THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO VERIFY THE <br /> INSTRUCTIONS. IF BUYER RECEIVES WIRING INSTRUCTIONS FOR A DIFFERENT BANK, BRANCH LOCATION, <br /> ACCOUNT NAME OR ACCOUNT NUMBER, THEY SHOULD BE PRESUMED FRAUDULENT. DO NOT SEND ANY <br /> FUNDS AND CONTACT THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. <br /> BUYER SHOULD CALL THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AT A NUMBER THAT IS INDEPENDENTLY <br /> OBTAINED. TO ENSURE THAT THE CONTACT IS LEGITIMATE, BUYER SHOULD NOT RELY ON A PHONE <br /> NUMBER IN AN EMAIL FROM THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, BUYER'S REAL ESTATE AGENT OR <br /> ANYONE ELSE. <br /> Buyer acknowledges and understands that there are risks associated with wire transfers that are not within the reasonable <br /> control of Firm, and Buyer hereby agrees to release and discharge Firm and Firm's agents from any and all claims, demands, <br /> rights and causes of action of whatsoever kind and nature not caused by gross negligence of Firm or Firm's agents arising <br /> directly or indirectly out of any wire transfer Buyer sends or receives/was to receive in connection with any real estate <br /> transaction in which Firm represents buyer. <br /> [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] <br /> os Page 5 of 6 <br /> STANDARD FORM 201 <br /> Revised 7/2018 <br /> Buyer initials Individual agent initials ©7/2018 <br /> Produced with zipForm®by zipLogix 18070 Fifteen Mile Road,Fraser,Michigan 48026 509 Central <br />