Agenda 05-02-2019 - 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-19 Regular Meeting
Agenda 05-02-2019 - 8-a - Minutes
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4/25/2019 5:09:39 PM
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4/25/2019 4:59:03 PM
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Agenda 05-02-2019 Regular Board Meeting
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Minutes 05-02-2019 Regular Meeting
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8 <br /> 1 Peter Sandbeck said there are 28 or 29 in the Century Farm program. <br /> 2 Peter Sandbeck said they are trying to enroll more African American farmers, and during <br /> 3 the depression farmers had to turn to neighbors for help. He said one had to sell an adjoining <br /> 4 white farmer with the understanding that it would be sold back. He said this resulted in the <br /> 5 African American farmers going in and out of farm ownership. He said the Century Farm <br /> 6 program stipulates that the farm has to have been with the same farmer the whole time. He <br /> 7 said staff is working on this issue, as it is inherently unfair. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price asked if the present use value trust fund is already up and running. <br /> 9 Peter Sandbeck said no, not yet, and this was part of their annual work plan. He said <br /> 10 the Food Council asked for APB support for creating a future trust fund to help fund agricultural <br /> 11 preservation and farming. He said this will be presented to the BOCC at a future meeting. He <br /> 12 said the idea is to use lapsed tax revenue from a farm that has gone out of present use value to <br /> 13 put towards preservation. <br /> 14 Commissioner Price asked if there is a program to link older farmers with newer farmers. <br /> 15 Peter Sandbeck said Mike Ortosky oversees this program, but there have not been that <br /> 16 many takers yet. <br /> 17 Commissioner Greene thanked him for the collaboration with the Food Council, which <br /> 18 did approve the trust fund at its last meeting. She said the proposal would take this "old" money <br /> 19 and set it aside, with half going to lands legacy for easements, and the other half to the small <br /> 20 farmers grant program. She said she hoped the APB and the Food Council can continue to <br /> 21 collaborate at every level <br /> 22 Commissioner Marcoplos said meat is a recurring issue in discussions, and cows that <br /> 23 are eating grain create methane while grass fed cows to do not. He asked if the APB could do a <br /> 24 survey of who is raising grass fed beef, and what food sources are selling this local meat. <br /> 25 Commissioner Dorosin referred to "continuing the Orange County agricultural heritage <br /> 26 project' and asked if this has started yet. He said having some kind of video of the VAD <br /> 27 Program etc., would be helpful to have on the website. He said this would actually be helpful for <br /> 28 all advisory boards to do, as it would raise the profile of all of this good work. <br /> 29 Peter Sandbeck said some oral histories and videos are sitting around, and the <br /> 30 documentation part is important, but he also agrees the informational/educational aspect is <br /> 31 equally important. <br /> 32 Commissioner Dorosin said he would love to see 90-second videos created that could <br /> 33 provide information to the public. <br /> 34 Commissioner Greene said as these videos are distributed in the county, it may be a <br /> 35 way to recruit new or younger farmers. <br /> 36 Commissioner Price said the Community Farm Stewardship Association used to link <br /> 37 younger and older farmers, and asked if this still occurring. <br /> 38 Peter Sandbeck said he assumes so, as this is an active group. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Commission for the Environment Bradley Saul, Chair <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Bradley Saul said the past year they spent much of their time on their upcoming State of <br /> 43 the Environment report, which is due out in October 2019. He said there will hopefully be a <br /> 44 community event in conjunction with that report. He said they have been in touch with Todd <br /> 45 McGee, Community Relations Director, for some weekly eco-tips. He said the Department of <br /> 46 Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) has a forest tree policy management <br /> 47 program, and a former commissioner has suggested that this should be implemented <br /> 48 countywide. He said other local governments are considering similar things, and all will be <br /> 49 meeting to discuss further to create unity. He said the greenhouse gas emissions inventory is <br /> 50 still in progress. <br />
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