Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> 1 Erica Bryant said yes, and last year DSS met all of the incentive categories, being 1 of <br /> 2 only 3 counties in the state to do so. <br /> 3 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the amount of funding that comes back as a result could <br /> 4 be identified. <br /> 5 Erica Bryant said $70,000 in incentive funds. <br /> 6 Lindsey Shewmaker, Economic Services Manager, resumed the PowerPoint <br /> 7 presentation: <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Performance Measures: Social Services (graph) <br /> 10 • Many measures in economic services are in policy <br /> 11 • Some measures have very low case counts <br /> 12 • Data is still not available and/or has not been validated for many measures <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that the reason DSS does not have data is because it is <br /> 15 relying on the state to provide the data. <br /> 16 Lindsey Shewmaker said that is correct. <br /> 17 Commissioner Dorosin asked if DSS can collect its own data. <br /> 18 Lindsey Shewmaker said yes, DSS could hand count some of the data, which it will do at <br /> 19 some point. She said, ultimately, the goal is to rely on that data which the state provides, <br /> 20 because it is that to which DSS will be held accountable. She said the data collection can be <br /> 21 difficult. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the state's data is based on data it receives from Orange <br /> 23 County. <br /> 24 Lindsey Shewmaker said yes, data that DSS puts into systems. <br /> 25 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that DSS can correct state data if it is inaccurate. <br /> 26 Lindsey Shewmaker said yes, and DSS is having a data validation meeting with the <br /> 27 Division of Aging and Adult Services later this month, but the state is still working on data that <br /> 28 DSS cannot validate because it does not yet have it. She resumed the PowerPoint <br /> 29 presentation: <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Performance Measures: <br /> 32 • New MOU will come before the end of the year and may contain additional data <br /> 33 elements if validated by then <br /> 34 • Failure to achieve performance benchmarks will initiate a correction action plan between <br /> 35 the county and the state <br /> 36 • Continued failure to meet the terms of the corrective action plan will enact the takeover <br /> 37 clause in legislation <br /> 38 • Medicaid performance is included in separate legislation <br /> 39 o Includes standards for application timeliness and accuracy <br /> 40 o Errors in eligibility determination will result in county payback of state and federal <br /> 41 funds <br /> 42 o Temporary assumption of Medicaid program administration is included in § 108A- <br /> 43 70.42 <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Chair Rich asked if the number of staff working just on Medicaid could be identified. <br /> 46 Lindsey Shewmaker said: <br /> 47 Adult Medicaid: 10 staff <br /> 48 Family and Children: 10 staff <br /> 49 Intake interviews: - 20 staff <br /> 50 <br />