Orange County NC Website
18 <br /> 1 Completion of Child Education Status component <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Policy Changes and Requirements: Within 30 Day of Entering Custody <br /> 4 • Shared Parenting Meeting within 14 days <br /> 5 • Family Time Plan creation within 14 days <br /> 6 • Relative notification letters mailed <br /> 7 • Comprehensive Medical exam <br /> 8 • Family Services Agreement development <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Policy Changes and Requirements: Permanency Planning Reviews <br /> 11 • Timeframes for reviews <br /> 12 o Within 60 days of child entering custody <br /> 13 o Every 90 days thereafter throughout the life of the case; and <br /> 14 o When there is a change in the plan or family circumstance <br /> 15 • Family Service Agreements are reviewed and updated at each review <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Performance Measures (graph) <br /> 18 • Total of 6 performance measures but only three are shown tonight <br /> 19 • Impacting factors: <br /> 20 o Data validation <br /> 21 o Unable to locate families <br /> 22 o Households with multiple children <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Commissioner Dorosin said these challenges are not unique to Orange County. <br /> 25 Crystal Mitchell said that is correct. She resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Performance Measures (graph) <br /> 28 Impacting factors: <br /> 29 o Data validation <br /> 30 o Therapeutic placements <br /> 31 o Placement characteristics <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Performance Measures (graph) <br /> 34 Impacting factors: <br /> 35 o Removal factors <br /> 36 o Treatment engagement <br /> 37 o Treatment access and models <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Nancy Coston resumed the presentation: <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Plan and Recommendations: <br /> 42 • Reduce caseloads of child protective services social workers allowing more time for <br /> 43 additional requirements (positions are reflected in budget proposal) <br /> 44 • Provide timely mental health intervention by using mental health maintenance of effort <br /> 45 (MOE) funds to contract for onsite therapist <br /> 46 • Conduct planning sessions with staff, partners, and community to gather feedback and <br /> 47 develop strategies for improving child and family outcomes <br /> 48 • Seek grants or other opportunities to develop more prevention initiatives <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Chair Rich asked if the number of children in foster care is known. <br />